Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tulu proverb

                              Tulu proverb

ಬೊಲ್ಲಗು ಪೋಪಿನಾಯೆಗು ತಾರಾಯಿ ಪಸನು ಪಂಡಿಲೆಕೋ

bollagu poinaayegu taaraayi pasanu pandileko

Translation ---------

bollagu = in the flood
popinaayegu = person who is drowning
taaraayi = coconut
pasanu = catch as a verb
pandileko = as said to him

This proverb illustrates the narrow mind of people. In Tulunadu , coconut trees are more. Since it rains more here , flood is a common scenario
A person is getting drowned in the flood. His main priority is to save his life. At that time, others must do whatever they can to save him.
Instead , if one onlooker ask him to catch the coconut which is also in the water , then what he should do? These type of words is not necessary at this point.


Life , depends on how we see it

                        Life , depends on how we see it

This story depends on true incidence.
Mrs. Gupta is a lecturer in a college which is nearly 20 km from her house. Daily she travels to college in her car , driving the car on her own.
College had a large campus. The main building of college is at a distance of 1 km from main entrance. Students are coming by college bus.
Mrs. Gupta that day too , left for college in her car. But car Tyre got punctured in the main entrance itself. By seeing her car coming to a halt, Mrs. Gupta got down from the car to see if she can ask for any help . But nobody was there.
Mrs. Gupta started to walk towards the college , otherwise she will get late to the class. After reaching the college office, she met a security guard and requested him to repair the car which was standing at the main entrance.
Security guard was surprised by knowing that Mrs. Gupta walked all the way from main entrance to college office.
He said consoling words for all the trouble Mrs. Gupta had taken to reach college on time. Mrs. Gupta , at that time said :
" My house is nearly 20 kms away from the college. If the car had got spoiled in the midway to college , I would be in trouble. But problem arise when I reached main entrance. From that point. I started to walk. It is the first time I observed the surroundings . I noticed several beautiful butterflies and also singing birds. If I come in car, I would miss all these. "
Listening to that, security guard didnt speak.
It all depends on how we see the things. If we see them with a positive mentality, troubles will not be there. All is well , that ends in well.

Monday, May 27, 2013

City mosquitoes

                                           City mosquitoes

I had been to Udupi city. I had spent a night there . Its my experience.----
It was the dark night. Road was silent. There were only the sound of moving vehicles that also very rare. I was having a sound sleep.
In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up. WHY?
Its just because of mosquito bite.!
First I ignored it and tried to catch the sleep. Then there was another fresh dose of injection from mr. mosquito !
Now , I got up from the bed. I switched on light. As there was light , mosquitoes didnt like it and one mosquito just flew infront of my nose.
I looked at the mosquito repellent machine. It was working.
Then why mosquitoes are flying? I was curious. I just went near the machine.
There surprise was waiting for me. The liquid bottle which is attached to the machine was empty ! But how did the mosquitoes came to know of it?
Thats why these are CITY MOSQUITOES . Always fearless. Can do anything if they want without caring for their life !

Friday, May 3, 2013

We are obsessed by the number 9

                                     We are obsessed by the number 9

I have seen many advertisements which say their product which is shown is just 1,999 Rs ! I often wondered why is 1 Rupee difference? They could sell the product for Rs 2000 . I kept on wondering about that advertisement.
We are having the trouble of giving change. Are they giving 1 Rupee change if we buy the product?! Then I came to know about interesting fact.
People are obsessed with the number 9 . Our brain start to think this product is discounted and its going to be our profit by saving 1 Rupee !
Retailers know this simple fact and they encash it.
If there is a product which is having a round figure price , people wont buy it. But if that product is offered discount , lets say by just 1 Rupee , people throng to buy the product. Its all about function of our brain !

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What are anagrams?

                                     What are anagrams?

Anagrams are words or phrases made by mixing up the letters of a other words or phrases. Here are some examples -------

Debit card == Bad credit
Astronomer == Moon starer
School master == The class room
Mother in law ==Woman hitler
The eyes == They see

 The words in the second column are got by rearranging the words of first column.

Preparing for the worst

                                   Preparing for the worst

I am preparing for the worst to come . I have time only till May 5. Then load shedding becomes more. Since ours is a rural area , load shedding is more here.
No rain . Because of that not sufficient water to generate electricity from our hydro electric stations. In peak load hours, that is at night from 6 to 10 , load shedding will be more since they have to compensate the power to whole state .
Thats why , I am using this opportunity now itself. Who knows about future?

Why do our feet smell?

                                        Why do our feet smell?

The culprits in foot odour are the sweat eating bacteria .
The problem of odour comes when the bacteria becomes attracted to the sweat on our feet and starts feeding on it !
It is the bacteria's excretion that has strong odour.
The situation gets worse when we wear shoes and socks  . These trap the sweat of our feet .  Since the area is dark and damp, which is favourite for bacteria , they start excreting more waste , thus making our feet to smell badly .

What are logograms?

                                            What are logograms?

What are logograms?

Logograms are the symbols used in writing language that stand for an entire word. 

Examples of logograms in English ----------

#   =  Pound or Number
% =   Percent
@ =   At ( as in an email id )
&  =  Ampersand ( connects 2 sentences or words )

Story of Tenali Rama

                                        Story of Tenali Rama

Tenali Rama was present in the court of King Sri Krishna Devaraya.
Once in the packed court, one scholar comes and introduces himself as a person who comes from a distant place.
He also tells that he can fluently talk in many languages. He also let the courtiers to check it. To everyone's surprise, he was talking fluently in many languages.
Now he challenged the courtiers of King to find out his mother tongue. The challenge was if he wins in the challenge, King has to award him handsomely. Otherwise, he will accept his defeat and leave the country.
King agreed. But his courtiers failed to find out his mother tongue as scholar was talking fluently in all the languages he spoke !
Then Tenali Rama came to rescue. He asked for the permission from the King to serve the great scholar in his house.
King agreed.
Tenali Rama took the scholar to his house. He fed him with variety of dishes. Scholar ate all of them happily. As his stomach was full , he wanted to take rest.
Tenali Rama arranged a room for him. Soon , the scholar fell asleep. That time, Tenali Rama entered the room with a large stick.
He gave a strong blow to stomach of scholar with the stick !
Scholar suddenly awakened by the blow and uttered something , as he was scared.
Then Tenali Rama told the scholar that he has done all this to know his mother tongue.!
Scholar's mother tongue is Telugu and he uttered  a few words in his mother tongue , when he got the besting !

Most intelligent bird

                               Most intelligent bird

Crow is the most intelligent bird. We all have heard about a thirsty crow . How it has used its brains to drink water from a water jug which was half full.
It is also known to everybody that crows , if they find food, will call all their friends or fellow crows to eat the food.
Crows are regular visitors to our house for bath. !
When father is going to water the coconut trees, it would be almost late afternoon. Crows had finished their lunch and its free time for them.
Since it is very hot and humid here , crows are not exceptional to this weather. They want to take bath.
When water comes out of pipe, they sit infront of pipe. They just wet their wings by holding the water droplets in their beak.
They will not cause any trouble . They will not harm the pipes too. They just wet their wings and call their friends too have the bath !
We can teach crows how to calculate too .


                                      ICICI Bank

ICICI Bank is the second largest bank in India by assets. It has a presence in 19 countries , including India.
ICICI Bank was established by Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India.
It has changed its name to the abbreviated form.
In the year 2000, it has become the first Indian bank to list on New York Stock Exchange.

Rahu and Ketu

                                           Rahu and Ketu

The story of Rahu and Ketu is as follows ----
There was always a fight between devatas and asuras to get hold of Swarga ( heaven ). Once devatas were routed in the war and all of them near God Brahma. He advised them to churn the ocean and to have the amrita and become immortal.
But churning an ocean is not an easy task. Hence , they sought the help of asuras by saying that even they will get equal share in amrita.
Asuras agreed . Ocean churning started by using the serpent as rope and mountain. Atlast amrita came from sea. That time, there was a big quarrel between 2 parties to drink amrita. That time, God Vishnu took the form of Mohini.
Mohini came with an idea that she will distribute amrita equally to both the parties. All agreed. But Mohini was distributing amrita to devatas only.
An Asura came to know of Mohini's plan and disguised himself as devata and sat between Sun and moon. No one was suspicious.
But when the asura was drinking amrita , sun and moon got suspicious that the person was not a devata , but a disguised asura.
When they told Mohini about the finding, God Vishnu took his original form and let out his Sudarshan Chakra and seperated the body of asura.
Asura's neck was seperated from his body , but he didnt die as he had already consumed Amrita. His head was called " Rahu " and the torso " Ketu ".
According to belief , Rahu and Ketu are eating the sun and moon as revenge causing solar and lunar eclipses.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Election gimmick

                                Election gimmick

The developments ongoing are really surprising
Now 24 hours of uninterrupted power supply , then starts the load shedding ;
It is all till May 5 , then unfolds different story
These gimmicks are to woo the voters to vote for particular party !

Why is tower of Pisa , leaning?

                                 Why is tower of Pisa , leaning?

The tower of Pisa has been leaning so long - nearly 840 years .It began leaning shortly after its construction began.
It is leaning , because its foundation began to settle unevenly on soft soil composed of mud, sand and clay . As a result, structure started to lean slightly.
Engineers became worried that excess water under the foundation , would accelerates its decline. They are taking several steps to stop the leaning, but none of them are successful.

The first place to witness sunrise and sunset in Karnataka

             The first place to witness sunrise and sunset in Karnataka

In Karnataka, the first place which witness Sunrise is Mulabagilu in undivided Kolar district. Throughout Karnataka, the time of sunrise and sunset vary .
Accordingly, for sunset it is Ankola. 

Why do bulls charge when they see red colour?

                Why do bulls charge when they see red colour?

 In movies , they project as the bulls will charge by seeing the red colour. But is it true? Actual thing is , bulls are colour blind.
They are not charging by seeing the red colour. Poor creatures cant make out the colours too. They dont know whether it is red or green !
Then why do they charge? They are doing that because of the movement of object . They think it is going to harm them.
As a defensive method, they charge : not because of red colour. If there is a colour other than red , then also they will do the same !

Wisdom of monkey

                                       Wisdom of monkey

Monkeys are the regular visitors to our garden. After finishing all the tender coconuts available on coconut trees, now they are eyeing on other fruits.
It is the time of jack fruits. We too had jack fruits on our trees. To fool the monkeys, my mother had covered one of the jack fruit with a leather bag.
Her stand was we, humans are watering the trees. Why only monkeys must have all the fruits? Atleast one fruit must be given to us.
Hence, she had covered ONLY ONE fruit which was nearer to ground. But day before yesterday , the bag was open !
Monkey out of curiosity , had opened the bag. According to me, fault is not only of moneys'. It is all because of jack fruit .
Everyone know that if it ripe, jack fruits are the fruits who will tell to everyone about their existence with their smell !
This time also, same thing happened. Mother had covered the external appearance of fruit. But she didnt think of smell that jack fruits will give.
Because of smell, monkeys came to know about fruit inside the bag and had their feast. These monkeys are the followers of great scholar in their community.

Moral : If it is in our destiny, then only we can have it.

Sudhanwa, a great warrior

                               Sudhanwa, a great warrior

Sudhanwa was the son of King Hamsadhwaja. He was very young. But he had his education of battle ground techniques.
Pandavas were doing Ashwamedha yaga after they got the reins of kingdom. During that yaga, Pandavas must defeat the kings who challenge them.
Likewise, Hamsadhwaja challenged the Pandavas. Pandavas, specially Arjuna had come to fight with the king.
Fight started. Being the devotee of Shri Krishna , Sudhanwa wanted to take part in battle. He fought to such an extent that it had become impossible to defeat him.
Now , Arjuna prayed Shri Krishna for his guidance. Sri Krishna advised Arjuna to behead Sudhanwa . Arjuna did like that.
But beheaded body of Sudhanwa , continued to fight. Now , Pandavas are in the verge to lose the battle. That time, God Shiv has taken the head of Sudhnwa and added him as his army man. Then only , Sudhanwa rested in peace.

Why is that if we tickle ourselves, it doesnt tickle?

           Why is that if we tickle ourselves, it doesnt tickle?

It is almost difficult. If we try to tickle ourselves, it wont tickle and makes us laugh ! It is all because of  function of our brain.
Our brain just ignores the things , that we do. When someone else, just sneaks from behind and tickle us , we laugh . It is a type of defense mechanism
But when we try to tickle ourselves, we are in complete control of situation. It means that our brain knows the action before itself. So, there is no reaction !

Why do we have a jerk when we get startled?

                   Why do we have a jerk when we get startled?

This type of jerk is scientifically called hypnic jerk or sleep jerk . It is an involuntary twitch . A hypnic jerk often resembles a jump , which a man experience when he is startled. It is often accompanied by a falling sensation.
The reasons for this jerk vary from stress, anxiety , caffeine and strenuous activities in the evening. It is also common in epileptic patients and also in persons who have irregular sleep cycles. It is always good to have a regular sleep habit.