Monday, April 29, 2024

Volt typhoon

 Volt typhoon is a group of cyber hackers sponsored by China.

This group focuses on cyber attacks on US critical infrastructure IT networks.

Volt typhoon cyber attacks affecting various sectors including communications, manufacturing, utilities, transportation and other public services.

Observed behaviour indicates prolonged undetected espionage. 

Animals that eat flowers to curb hunger

 Some of the animals ( only vegetarians ) are seen eating flowers along with leaves to quench their hunger.

Some of them are  - - - - 

1.  Rabbits 

2.  Turtles

3.  Moose 

4.  Deers

5.  Caterpillars 

6.  Bees

7.  Butter fly 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Animals that help our planet

 Food chains and ecosystems are maintained by animals  . Some of them are  - - - -

1.  Honeybee

2.  Bats

3.  Oyster 

4. Ladybug

5.  Earthworm 

6.   Ant

7.  Sharks 

8.  Vultures 

Kids are always kids !!!!

 My nephew Aniruddha has a unique quality.

If he looks at the flag of a country, he will tell country name, name of its capital, it's currency and in which continent it is in.

Me and he always play question and answers game. 

I always ask the question and Aniruddha answers...... 


Which country flag has only 2 colours ???

United States of America 




This is the question. 

Aniruddha listened to the question and the options. 

Aniruddha gave the answer   Japan . 

I shouted  correct answer  !!!! 

Aniruddha didn't stop there. 

He said  There are many countries having just 2 colours in their flag. Like...... 









He went on listing out the countries.......

My head started to reel and my eyes totally got blacked out   !!!!! 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Why diesel engine makes more noise than petrol engine ?

 I was watching through the window yesterday.

I observed that some auto rickshaws make more noise than other auto rickshaws.

It is not about the vehicle. Be it an auto, car, bus any vehicle.

It is about the engines. 

Diesel engines make a lot of noise than petrol engines while burning the fuel..

There are reasons behind this. 

1. Diesel molecules are much bigger than petrol molecules. Engines run on high  compression.

2. Petrol engines have spark plugs in the cylinders which initiates the combustion. 

But in diesel engines, fuel is ignited by compression only.

Here no source of external combustion.

Hence the combustion in diesel engines is more violent and spontaneous producing higher vibration.

Diesel engines are more heavy and built stronger than petrol engines to sustain the higher pressure involved.