Friday, April 26, 2024

Oldest flags of the world

 Flag of country symbolises the history of the nation.

Here is the list of countries with the oldest flags. 

1. Denmark

It is officially adopted in 14th century. 

2. Scotland

The flag is associated with its distinct identity within United Kingdom.

3. Austria

It is officially documented in 1230 and the symbol of national heritage.

4. Latvia

Flag represents the resilience and spirit of Latvian people. 

5. Switzerland

Flag is in square shape and represents country's humanitarian service.

6. Albania

Flag dates back to 15th century. 

7. England

Flag is also called St George cross, associated with patron saint.

8. Sweden

The flag symbolises its historical ties with the other Scandinavian countries.

9. Netherlands

Colours of the flag are inspired by the Dutch resistance against Spain.

10.  Japan 

Flag represents the country 's identity as Land of Raising Sun. 

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