Monday, April 15, 2024

Is Arabian sea part of Indian ocean?

 In school days, we have learnt that there are 5 oceans in the world. They are - -

1. Pacific ocean

2. Indian ocean 

3. Atlantic ocean 

4. Antarctic ocean

5. Arctic ocean 

What about Arabian sea found at west of India ??

Arabian sea is the northern most part of Indian ocean. 

It is located between Arabian peninsula and Indian subcontinent.  Hence the name. 

Arabian sea is one of the world's busiest shipping routes.

Indian ocean is the warmest amongst these oceans.. 

Pacific ocean  is the largest and deepest of them and Arctic ocean is the shortest one.

Arctic ocean is the smallest ocean. It is also the most inaccessible and least studied ocean as it is always covered by ice.

It is the coldest as well as least salty ocean. 

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