Sunday, October 7, 2012

Carbon di oxide

                                     Carbon di oxide

Carbon di oxide will not allow heat to pass through it, thus become hazardous to living creatures. Green house effect will arise and proportion of oxygen become less and with the excess amount of heat, it is difficult to survive for living creatures.
In planet Venus too, same condition occurs. There because of large amount of carbon di oxide, it has formed  a  layer over its surface. This layer allows sunrays inside but will not allow them to go out. Because of this, temperature on Venus is very much high.
People are feeling scared of this phenomena may repeat on Earth too all because of air pollution. Thus carbon di oxide eventhough it is not toxic, will create the phenomena of green house in large amounts. But in Venus, from where this CO2 have come?
According to my theory, Venus must be having Volcanoes. When a volcano erupts, large amount of CO2 gets added to atmosphere. This is a natural phenomena. But in our Earth, we are making CO2 to exceed its limit all by our folly.

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