Yesterday I had known that " adaalat " serial is going to have actors of CID serial .
As usual I sat infront of TV at 8 pm . The serial was full of twists and turns . To say the truth , I was actually sitting at the edge of chair in excitement .
Serial started at 8 pm and continued till 11 pm . I didn't move from chair at that time .
A true detective serial .
A godman was accused of murder of his follower . All the evidences were pointing towards him as killer . The case was taken by CID team and they filed a charge sheet against godman.
But godman approached KD as his defence lawyer . CID team was not happy as KD had taken the case . KD was successful in proving godman as non guilty much to the dismay of CID team.
But things got suddenly changed as godman himself got killed and KD was held responsible . Then again things got changed and now KD was released and CID inspector Daya was held responsible for murder of godman .
Now who is the real murderer ? Both KD and Daya are the heroes in their respective serials . To know that , I had to wait till the end holding my breath .
As usual I sat infront of TV at 8 pm . The serial was full of twists and turns . To say the truth , I was actually sitting at the edge of chair in excitement .
Serial started at 8 pm and continued till 11 pm . I didn't move from chair at that time .
A true detective serial .
A godman was accused of murder of his follower . All the evidences were pointing towards him as killer . The case was taken by CID team and they filed a charge sheet against godman.
But godman approached KD as his defence lawyer . CID team was not happy as KD had taken the case . KD was successful in proving godman as non guilty much to the dismay of CID team.
But things got suddenly changed as godman himself got killed and KD was held responsible . Then again things got changed and now KD was released and CID inspector Daya was held responsible for murder of godman .
Now who is the real murderer ? Both KD and Daya are the heroes in their respective serials . To know that , I had to wait till the end holding my breath .