I have seen in the cartoons that mother hen sits on her eggs when hatching . But none of eggs get crushed because of weight of hen . I wondered how is this possible ?
Egg's unique shape gives it tremendous strength . Eggs are similar to the shape of a 3-D arch which is one of the strongest architectural form .
The egg is strongest at the top and bottom . This is similar to same position in an arch .
The curved part of egg shell distributes equal pressure on all the sides rather than concentrating on a single point .
That's why eggs don't get crushed when hen is sitting on them when hatching . Because hen puts equal pressure on every egg on every side of it .
Egg's unique shape gives it tremendous strength . Eggs are similar to the shape of a 3-D arch which is one of the strongest architectural form .
The egg is strongest at the top and bottom . This is similar to same position in an arch .
The curved part of egg shell distributes equal pressure on all the sides rather than concentrating on a single point .
That's why eggs don't get crushed when hen is sitting on them when hatching . Because hen puts equal pressure on every egg on every side of it .