Last year, in the month of August I had observed a tiny plant in our front yard . As day passed, it was becoming taller . By external features, it looked like a papaya plant.
My mother was very happy that papaya tree is growing in our front yard. As everyone know that I think logically, this time also I was not ready to believe it as a papaya tree. My logic based on several facts. 1. In recent days, we didn't have eaten papaya fruit. So there is no chance that one of us had put the seed in the soil and were responsible for the birth of plant. 2. Our neighbours too didn't have this plant in their garden. So no question of pollination arises . Based on these facts, I concluded that it must be a stray plant. I decided to pluck it out. I went near the plant and tried to pull it. But it was having a good grip and I couldn't pull it. Finally I changed my mind and broke down its stem. I thought it will die on its own. But that plant is very stubborn and again it started to grow. Now it has its twin brother also , two plants emerging from same stem !!! By this time, in house everyone were aware of what I did. I was forbidden to touch the plant. Everyone were quite sure that it is the papaya plant except me. I decided to wait and watch. ..... On new year day, first papaya fruit was available on the same plant. After 3 days one more. ! Now when eating those papaya fruit, I thought this plant is very kind hearted. Eventhough I tried to kill it , it didn't mind and changed my way of thinking by giving tasty papaya fruit. Moral : Don't underestimate anyone . |