Why does an injured region swell up?
Last month, I had tooth ache. On consulting a dentist , she recommended to undergo for a root canal treatment. As the procedure tales a lot of time, soon my mouth swollen up in that particular area of tooth. Today's article is on reasons for swelling.
When ever body tissues sustain injury, earliest response is the narrowing of the blood vessels followed by the dilatation of these blood vessels.
Gaps start to appear in these vessels through which liquid part of blood leaks into the surrounding areas which swell up due to extra ( excess ) fluid.
But I was treated by antibiotic tablets. Soon dentist cleaned that area and swelling had reduced.
Last month, I had tooth ache. On consulting a dentist , she recommended to undergo for a root canal treatment. As the procedure tales a lot of time, soon my mouth swollen up in that particular area of tooth. Today's article is on reasons for swelling.
When ever body tissues sustain injury, earliest response is the narrowing of the blood vessels followed by the dilatation of these blood vessels.
Gaps start to appear in these vessels through which liquid part of blood leaks into the surrounding areas which swell up due to extra ( excess ) fluid.
But I was treated by antibiotic tablets. Soon dentist cleaned that area and swelling had reduced.