Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Nowadays , people lack sense of humour ....

In this article , I explain how people lack sense of humour nowadays .

Just yesterday , when I was searching internet , I found this piece of poem . It is full of struggles of life and how people react to it. At the end , it turns out to be quite hilarious . I am reconstructing the poem in my own words ......

When I was crying , no one looked at me .....
When I was in pain , no one looked at me .....

 Don't you think the lines are explaining our daily struggles in life and the plain reaction of people to that ???

Now comes the climax which is the hilarious part . But by saying this to my mother , I got a nice lecture on how to be serious in life .



But when I fart  , everyone starts looking at me .....!!

I don't know what is annoying in this . It has just described what happens in our daily life !!!!

Seriously speaking , people lack sense of humour nowadays !!!!

---------------- ---- -------------------------- ---- -------------------------------- -

When I was crying , no one looked at me
When I was in pain , no one looked at me
But when I fart , everyone starts looking at me !!

Friday, April 20, 2018

What is the number of stars and how to count them?

Long ago, there lived a man called Ramappa. He was very poor. He had a daughter by the name Rohini. Rohini was very beautiful and intelligent too.

Ramappa had a cow. By selling its milk in the city he was earning money. As he has become old, Rohini herself was going to city to sell the milk.

One day , Rohini was on her way to city to sell the milk. To reach the city, she has to pass the forest. That day also, she was walking carrying the milk.

That time, a bear attacked her. She was very panic and shouted for help. King of that country was happened to pass that forest at that time. He listened and came for help.

He succeeded in diverting the attention of bear . Soon he was able to rescue Rohini . Rohini invited the king to her house.

King met Rohini's father. As king had started liking Rohini, without any hesitation he asked for the hand of Rohini with her father. But Ramappa was not ready to give his daughter to a stranger , as he was not aware that stranger himself is the king .

Finally Ramappa said he will tell his decision in the night . When it was night , King was eagerly waiting for answer. That time Ramappa looked at sky and asked King to count the number of stars and to tell the answer by tomorrow morning !

King thought counting is not the big thing. He sat on a chair and started counting . But he was unable to keep the record. He thought sky is so vast and how will he ever be able to count the stars ?!!

It was early in the morning . Rohini had started doing her daily work . By seeing King in great tension , she asked for reason . King explained his wish to marry her and the condition put by her father .

Rohini stood thinking . That time she noticed a cat passing . She had an idea and asked King to do as she say.

In the morning King went near Ramappa. Ramappa looked at his face. King was holding cat. Showing the cat to Ramappa , King said " there are as many stars on the sky as the number of hairs on body of this cat . If you want you can count by yourself ! ".

Ramappa had come to know his daughter is behind of all these. Soon marriage took place .

Saturday, April 14, 2018

How many reincarnations ( avatars ) did God Vishnu take?

We , Hindus believe there are 10 reincarnations ( dashaavataara ) of God Vishnu . They are -----

1. Matsya ( fish )
2. Koorma ( tortoise )
3. Vaaraaha ( pig )
4. Narasimha ( lion )
5. Vaamana
6. Parashuraama
7. Raama
8. Krishna
9. Buddha
10. Kalki

These names themselves tell why do we , Hindus , worship animals , fellow humans and nature .

Now coming back to the title of article .... how many reincarnations did God Vishnu take? .

I want you to closely read the title of article once again . Did you find anything ????




It is in past tense !!!!

So , that does mean that till now , God Vishnu has taken 9 avatars .( till Buddha ).

Kalki avatar is yet to happen . With this avatar , whole living creatures are going to meet their end . Doomsday will happen .

Monday, April 9, 2018

How to prepare baasundi ?

This dish can be served either hot or cold.


Milk - 1 litre
Sugar - 2 - 3 spoon or as per taste
Almond and cashew pieces - To garnish

Method -----

Keep the milk to get heated up such that 1 litre of milk should become 1/2 litre. This should be done by constant stirring of milk when heating.

After reaching the target, switch off the gas. Now add sugar as per taste and stirr well till sugar dissolves. Now add almond and cashew pieces. Serve either hot or cold.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Joke for April 1st

Today is April 1st . On this day , people play pranks on each other , fool others or sometimes they get fooled of themselves . Today I am sharing a joke which I had read long back  on a website called coolquiz.com .

Once a lawyer met a drunkard in a bar . The drunkard was very busy in looking at  something which he held between his fingers .

Lawyer got curious . He went near the drunkard and asked him what is he doing ?

Drunkard with a sad face , said " I have something between my fingers . It is yellow in colour . It is elastic in nature like rubber . But it is not rubber . I am confused in figuring out what is it ? ".

Lawyer got even more curious . He requested the drunkard , that he will have a look at it . After getting the thing from drunkard , even he checked it between his fingers and realized that whatever the drunkard had said  , is true .

 Finally lawyer asked the drunkard " from where did you get it ?" 






Answer was  " From my nose " !!!!!