Yesterday our neighbour's cat began to climb the tree . I was watching . It went up . Maybe it has seen small birds over there .
Till now , everything is good . After some time , it wanted to get down the tree . As the tree is little taller , it was scared to jump from the tree . I have seen cats jumping from not so high compounds .
Here story is different . Scared cat started shouting . Her owner came and put her down .
I found this very strange . If the cat can climb up the tree , it must not be a problem to get down the tree . Usually cats just jump to ground . They don't get down . But why ?
Cats are built for climbing . But not for getting down . If we observe the cat , their claws are curved and bent forward . This feature allows them to climb up holding things firmly for support .
But this feature will not be of any use when getting down . That's why either they just jump to ground or get stuck over there itself .
Till now , everything is good . After some time , it wanted to get down the tree . As the tree is little taller , it was scared to jump from the tree . I have seen cats jumping from not so high compounds .
Here story is different . Scared cat started shouting . Her owner came and put her down .
I found this very strange . If the cat can climb up the tree , it must not be a problem to get down the tree . Usually cats just jump to ground . They don't get down . But why ?
Cats are built for climbing . But not for getting down . If we observe the cat , their claws are curved and bent forward . This feature allows them to climb up holding things firmly for support .
But this feature will not be of any use when getting down . That's why either they just jump to ground or get stuck over there itself .
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