Before starting any work , we worship and pray to God Ganesh that
everything must go smooth . God Ganesh is hailed as " God of beginning " .
Once God Vishnu was getting married in heaven . Each and every God is
invited to attend the marriage . But if everyone leaves , heaven will be
empty . Demons are waiting to invade heaven . It is not safe to leave the
heaven empty . So all the Gods requested Ganesh to guard the heaven when
they are away .
Ganesh happily agreed . All the other gods left to attend the marriage . That
time sage Narada observed that Ganesh is all alone in heaven and he came
near Ganesh and asked for the reason for not attending marriage .
Ganesh said he has been asked to guard the heaven against any attack of
intruders . That time , Narada revealed the true reason behind this . As
Ganesh is fat and known to eat large amount of food , he was left out from
coming to marriage .
This made Ganesh very angry . He ordered his army of mice to dig the earth
and to make it hollow . Because of this , vehicles of Gods who were heading
to attend the function could not proceed further as wheels of vehicles got
stuck in the ground .
No God was able to lift the vehicle which got stuck . Finally they requested a
passerby to help them . He prayed to God Ganesh first and then he could
easily lifted the vehicles .
By this time , gods have understood their mistake . They asked for the
apology with God Ganesh and took him with them to wedding . That's why
we pray to God Ganesh before doing any work that everything must go
without any problem .