Monday, October 10, 2011

City of Gurgaon

                                   City of Gurgaon

Near Delhi, the city of Gurgaon is situated. There is a story behind the city. Its being said that the city has a story dating back to Mahabharath times. Gurgaon , the word is made of two words - Guru and Gaon. In Maha bharath time, Bhishma was the head of ruling Kouravas as he is eldest among them. Drona was the Guru or master of Kouravas.
Once Bhishma thought of facilitating Drona as he is the Guru for Kouravas. Its been said that Bhishma donated a Gaon (village) near Delhi as  Drona was the Guru(master) of Kouravas. The place he donated is now known as Gurgaon.

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