Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What is a polar vortex?

                                          What is a polar vortex?

Last month, i .e. in January , most parts of USA experienced a cold wave. It consisted of snow fall and also very low temperatures .
Scientists called it happened because of polar vortex.

What is a polar vortex?

A polar vortex is a large packet of very cold air which sits over the polar region during the winter season. The frigid air found its way into USA , Canada when polar vortex ( cold cyclone ) was pushed south from north pole.
Polar vortex is there at every winter. It moves around at times during the winter. But it is very rare to see this vortex get pushed to far south .

Cause for polar vortex:      

A large, powerful high pressure system originating in eastern pacific which is stretched to north pole.

When the strong air from pacific region weakens and falls apart, polar vortex will retreat and go back to north pole.