Tuesday, October 14, 2014

How to be superior?

Vishwamitra was basically a king. He attained the position of " brahmarshi " just to get revenge of Saint Vasishta.

Now everyone is praising him for his success. But Vasishta didn't care for it.

This annoyed Vishwamitra and he decided to kill Vasishta and went near his place.

At the same time, Vasishta was chatting with his students. One of his students questioned him on not congratulating Vishwamitra.

Vasishta replied " Vishwamitra has done a great job. But his ego and quick temper have become hurdles in his path. If he overcome them , then I will be the first one to congratulate him ".

Vishwamitra heard these words. He was ashamed of himself as he was proving Vasishta right !

He asked for forgiveness near Vasishta.