ಪೊಣ್ ದ ಆಸೆಗ್ ರಾವಣೆ ಸೈತೆ , ಮಣ್ಣ ದ ಆಸೆಗ್ ಕೌರವೆ ಸೈತೆ
ponn da aaseg raaavane saite , mann da aaseg kourave saite.
Translation -
ponn = ಪೊಣ್ = woman / girl
aase = ಆಸೆ = desire
saite = ಸೈತೆ = is dead
mann = ಮಣ್ಣ ದ = for land
Summary ---
This sentence states the entire story of epics Ramayan and Mahabharat .
How did Ramayan happened? It is because Ravan got lured of beauty of Sita and kidnapped her and kept her captive in Lanka. We can say that Ravan's attraction towards Sita is the main cause for Ramayan.
How did Mahabharat happened? Duryodhan or kourava didn't agree to give Pandavas their share in land. Pandavas fought the battle and won there.
In both the cases , Ravan and Kourava met their end because of their greediness.
ponn da aaseg raaavane saite , mann da aaseg kourave saite.
Translation -
ponn = ಪೊಣ್ = woman / girl
aase = ಆಸೆ = desire
saite = ಸೈತೆ = is dead
mann = ಮಣ್ಣ ದ = for land
Summary ---
This sentence states the entire story of epics Ramayan and Mahabharat .
How did Ramayan happened? It is because Ravan got lured of beauty of Sita and kidnapped her and kept her captive in Lanka. We can say that Ravan's attraction towards Sita is the main cause for Ramayan.
How did Mahabharat happened? Duryodhan or kourava didn't agree to give Pandavas their share in land. Pandavas fought the battle and won there.
In both the cases , Ravan and Kourava met their end because of their greediness.