Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Beware of cheaters !

                                 Beware of cheaters !
There lived a eagle, cat, pig on a tree. Eagle lived on branches, cat lived on trunk of tree and the pig near the root of the tree. All were friends. Now the eagle layed eggs. It had built a nest to protect the eggs. Meanwhile, pig also given birth to its offsprings.
Cat was seeing all these. It had the urge to eat one of pig's offsprings and also to eat one of  the eggs of eagle. But what to do? Eagle and pig were so protective about their eggs and offsprings. Cat waited so long. But of no use. Then cat thought of a plan.
Cat went near Eagle. Eagle welcomed it. Cat asked questions  for eagle's well being. Eagle was very happy. It thought cat is its true friend. Then cat cautioned eagle about pig saying " pig is planning to remove eagle's nest. It started digging the earth. Tree may fall down at any time. Eagle's house is in trouble. It wants to destroy eagle's family."
Eagle was horrified. It believed cat. It decided not to go anywhere else leaving its eggs. It feared that tree may fall down when its away. Same way , cat went near pig. Even pig welcomed it. Cat said to pig " Did you notice nowadays eagle is not going anywhere ? It has an eye on your off springs. Your offsprings are small. They could be easy pray for eagle. Be careful."
Pig noticed that eagle is not going anywhere nowadays. It believed cat's words. It decided not to go anywhere leaving its offsprings. It stayed near its children as eagle was doing fearing bad. Days passed. Pig and eagle fearing of each other, didnt go outside to find food.
Likethis, both of them died because of starvation. Even their offsprings for whom they have done all this much. didnt survive too. Cat's family had a feast on eagle's eggs and also on pig's offsprings. Cat has succeded in its plan by cheating both eagle and pig.

1 comment:

  1. I had heard bad fox stories, but for cats this is first one!
