Proud mosquito
The king of forest lion was taking rest in his den. That time, a mosquito entered the den. It saw lion and said " You are hailed as king of forest. But if you are really brave, just fight and win over me." Listening to this, lion thought what to fight with a mosquito ! By seeing lion's silence, mosquito again said that lion is afraid of it. Listening to this, lion was angry.
Lion decided to kill mosquito. But mosquito was very clever. It escaped from the clutches of lion each and everytime. Lion was now getting restless. At this time, mosquito came and sat on the nose of lion. It sucked the blood. Lion knew mosquito was sitting on its nose. It tried to kill mosquito. But this time also, mosquito escaped and lion hurt itself.
By seeing that mosquito thought it has won over the lion. It went in the forest saying that it has defeated the lion. It was so proud that it didnt see a cobweb in the path. Mosquito was trapped in the web. Spider came and ate the trapped mosquito. The mosquito who has defeated lion (according to him) could not escape from spider and it died.
nice one PB - I have been defeated by mosquito many a times a night for 100s days/months/rgds/slr