Monday, July 16, 2012

The other name of God

                                     The other name of God

Once a student studying near a saint had a doubt. i.e. what is the other name of God? by which name he is well known? Saint before telling him the answer, posed him a test.
He must spend the entire night alone, near the main door of the city where people enter. Student agreed and left. He spent whole night near the door. Morning he returned.
Saint asked him what did he observe? Student replied that he saw a man trying to ente r the city with his goods but royal soldiers were not allowing him.
Saint asked the student what did he do at that time? Student replied that he was engrossed in the thought , thinking that what would be the other name of God? He didnt pay much attention to the chaos going on. Saint said if student would help the old man who was in difficult situation, he could have easily come to know the other name of God. i.e. Helping needy.

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