The gas with a colour
All the gas like oxygen , methane , hydrogen etc all are colourless. Infact , gases are known for this property.
But there is a gas which has colour !
It is Chlorine (Cl).
It is a diatomic yellowish green gas. It combines readily with nearly all other elements.
The name Chlorine is derived from "chloros " , meaning green referring to the colour of the gas. The gas has a suffocating odour and extremely poisonous. In its liquid and solid form , it is a powerful oxidizing , bleaching and disinfecting agent.
All the gas like oxygen , methane , hydrogen etc all are colourless. Infact , gases are known for this property.
But there is a gas which has colour !
It is Chlorine (Cl).
It is a diatomic yellowish green gas. It combines readily with nearly all other elements.
The name Chlorine is derived from "chloros " , meaning green referring to the colour of the gas. The gas has a suffocating odour and extremely poisonous. In its liquid and solid form , it is a powerful oxidizing , bleaching and disinfecting agent.