Friday, August 22, 2014

Unwanted guest in our house ....

Day before yesterday night , we ( house members ) went to bed early . It was raining outside . There was total darkness inside the house .....



There was electricity supply . We had switched off all the lights .....



I was sleeping ....



Suddenly , there was a loud noise ...

I was awakened by the noise . I rubbed my eyes. Looked at the time. It was half an hour past midnight . At the same time , I heard one more noise of something fallen to ground .

I went in search of source of noise .

It was coming from our kitchen .


I switched on the light .

There it was .....

fast running , a MOUSE !

I alarmed others . Why only I must lose my sleep ?!

Let others also face the same . Equal justice must be done .....!

My father saw the condition of kitchen. He said it is done by a mouse and he would bring rat poison next day .

Yesterday night , we kept rat poison in our kitchen .

Today morning , we saw that mouse had eaten the poison cake.

Suddenly , I felt sorry for the mouse . It must had thought we kept the cakes for it to eat . It is unaware that it is poison. It is going to have a tragic death  .....

But this mouse is an unwanted guest . Every one has right to live . But not by troubling the lives of others .....