Saturday, January 18, 2025

Most congested cities in India

 These are the most congested Indian cities  -----

1.  Kolkata 

2.  Bengaluru 

3. Pune

4.  Hyderabad 

5.  Chennai 

6.  Mumbai 

7.  Ahmedabad

8.  Ernakulam 

9. Jaipur 

10.  New Delhi 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Do trains move faster during nights??

 Answer is.    No.

The train speed is same as that of day time.

We feel train move faster during nights compared to day. 


1.  There are less hurdles like animals and humans in night.

2.  Track maintenance work is not done at much scale.

3.  Signals can be seen clearly from much distance. 

Brightest objects seen in the dark sky

 These are the brightest celestial bodies seen in dark sky.

1.   Sun , obviously !!!

               Sun is the brightest object.  Sun illuminates everything in our solar system.

2.  Moon

3.  Venus 

4.  Mars

5.  Jupiter 

6.  Mercury 

7.  Saturn

8.  Ganymede 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Why are red, yellow and black sea are called so ???

 Ancient mariners named the Red, Yellow and Black seas based on distinctive features.

Red Sea is located between Asia and Africa. 

The Red Sea's name comes from reddish - brown blooms of cyanobacteria.

The Yellow Sea is situated in between China and Korean peninsula. 

The Yellow Sea has derived its name from the yellowish brown tint from Yellow River's silt. 

The Black Sea is bordered by  Turkey,  Bulgaria,  Romania, Ukraine , Russia and Georgia. 

Black Sea 's name originates from its dark, trencherous waters and severe storms. 

Coldest countries in the world

 Here is the list of coldest countries in the world where freezing temperatures are the norm and surviving in the chill is a way of life  !!!!

1.  Canada 

2.  Russia 

3.  Mongolia 

4.  Norway 

5.  Kyrgyzstan 

6.  Finland 

7.  Iceland 

8.  Tajikistan 

9.  Sweden 

10.  Estonia 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

A funny story of a contestant

 This funny story was said by a contestant who appeared on Koun Banega Karodpati program recently.

Story goes like this.......

Contestant is working as a salesman in a shop selling 4 wheelers means car !!!

Though he is working since long time,  contestant doesn't know how to drive a car himself   !!!!

One day, a customer had come to shop and selected a car.

Customer wamts to test drive it.

As contesant was a salesman working there, he was asked to accompany the customer on test drive  !!!

Contestamt agreed.

Both of them, customer and the contestant went on a test drive.

But after some time, customer got an urgent call and had to leave from there  .

As everyone know, in a test drive customer who wants to buy the perticular car, drives it.

Same thing happened here.

Contestant who don't lnow how to drive a car, was just a co passenger.

But now customer  has gone leaving the car with contestant who don't know driving  !!!!

Contestant is now in a fix.

He can not ask for the help from showroom where is he working.

Then everyone will know that he was lying and contestant don't know how to drive a car.

What an great insult that would be !!!!

Contestant thought for some time and came wih a plan.

He called the showroom and pretended that he is not feeling well and not in the position to drive the car back to showroom !!!!

Finally., help was arranged and contestant was back in the showroom.


Is it better to give or receive ??

 A friend of Mulla Naseeruddin came near him and asked him a question.

Friend  :  Naseeruddin, is it better to give or receive  ???

Naseeruddin  :  It's always better to receive.

                               Then only you can give  !!!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Animals in Hindu mythology that are vahanas of God and Goddesses

 Today is Makara Sankranti.

In just a few hours, there will be 3 chariots utsava of God Shri Krishna  in Udupi.

In Hinduism, there is a close relation between Gods and animals.

I have listed down some of the animals which are familiar to us as the vahanas of Gods and Goddesses.

1.  Goddess Durga                                                   Lion

2.  Goddess Saraswati                                            Swan

3. Goddess  Lakshmi                                               Owl

4.  God Shiva                                                              Bull

5.  God Vishnu                                                           Eagle

6. God Brahma                                                          Swan

7.  God Shani                                                              Crow

8.  God Yama                                                               Buffalo 

9.  God Indra                                                               Elephant 

10.  God Ganesh                                                          Mouse 

11.  God  Kartikeya                                                     Peacock 

12.   God Kubera                                                          Human 

13.  God Kamadev                                                        Parrot 

14.   God  Agni                                                                Rhinoceros 

15.  God Vayu                                                                Deer

16.  Goddess Ganga                                                    Crocodile 

17.  Goddess Yamuna                                                 Tortoise 

Regions on Earth where snakes are not found

 There are some places on Earth where conditions don't favour the existence of snakes.

Geographical isolation , extreme climatic and environmental conditions make survival hard for snakes..

Such places are  -----

1.  Antarctica 

2.  New Zealand 

3.  Ireland 

4.  Greenland 

5.  Iceland 

6.  Alaska

7.  Hawaii 

8.  Pacific islands 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Bheja fry question

 This bheja fry question i heard on web radio.

If day before yesterday  of tomorrow is Saturday then what day is today  ???

Day  before   yesterday of  Tomorrow is Saturday.

==>>    Yesterday  of today is Saturday 

That means today is  Sunday  !!!!!

Least welcoming countries for tourists

 These countries are unsafe for tourists because of minimal tourism infrastructure, political unrest, safety concerns and restrictive travel policies.

Such countries are  -----

1.  Afghanistan 

2. North Korea 

3.  Turkmenistan 

4.  Libya 

5.  Yemen 

6.  Venezuela 

7.  Somalia 

8.  Syria

9.  Eritrea 

10.  Belarus 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Kids are always kids !!!!

 In nearby temple, Dussera cultural programmes were going on.

One evening we with our whole family, along with Aniruddha, went to temple and at that time, bharatnatya program was going on. 

The dancer was performing well. But I felt she is little plumpy. 

After coming home, I shared my feeling with family members. 

We went to temple next day also. 

Again there was a dance programme by same artist !!!

We all went and sat down on the chairs. 

Aniruddha sat next to me. 

As soon as he saw the same artist is performing who had performed yesterday, 

Suddenly he stood up and shouted. 

"  Hey ,  fatso  !!!! "

As I was near, only I heard what he said. Phew !!!! 

Animals that breathe and smell without a nose

 The nose is the most important sensory organ to  breathe and smell.  But these animals don't have noses.

But they do have alternative options. 

Such animals are  - - -

1.  Fish  - - -   Fish have gills

2.  Ants   - - -  Ants have spinacles for breathing and antenna to detect                                smell.

3.  Earth worms  - - -  Earth  worms breathe through the skin and don't                                              have sensory organs.

4.  Snakes    - - -    Snakes do have nostrils to breathe but their sense of                                         smell comes through tongue.

5.  Spiders     - - -   Spiders rely on their legs to sense chemical signals.

6.  Star fish   - - -    They breathe through structures called populate. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Tourist destinations that no longer exist

 1.  Duckbill rock formation 

                        This rock formation at cape Kiwanda of United States was a popular tourist attraction. However a group of teenagers vandalised it on 2016.

2.  The Buddhas of Bamiyan

                         The 2 statues of Buddhas in Bamiyan valley of Afghanistan were destroyed by Taliban in 2001.

3.  Wedding cake rock

                         This sandstone rock formation in Australia was once a scenic spot. But this was collapsed due to natural erosion in the year 2015.

4.  Chacaltaya glacier 

                           Due to climate change, this glacier was forced to disappear by 2009.

5.  Christmas island, Australia 

                             Due to pollution and Coral bleaching, this island suffered extensive damage.

6.  The wall arch

                             This natural sandstone arch situated in US, collpsed due to natural erosion in 2008.

7.  Sultro baths

                           There were 6 natural saltwater and 1 freshwater pool gutted down in 1966.


World's most literate nations with 100 % literacy rate

 The below countries have secured 100 %  literacy rate.

They are  ----

1.  Ukraine 

2.  Uzbekistan 

3.  North Korea

4.  Kazakhstan 

5.  Azerbaijan 

6.  Finland 

7.  Norway 

8. Georgia 

9.  Luxembourg 

10.  Guam

Friday, January 10, 2025

Why is space dark ??

 1.  Lack of atmosphere

                           On earth, sky looks blue. It is called Reyleigh scattering.  Since space lacks an atmosphere to scatter light, it looks black.

2.  Absence of light source

                           Space is vast and mostly empty. It has few light sources

3. Vacuum of space

                           Space is near perfect vacuum.  There are  no particles to reflect or difuse light. 

4.  Inverse square law

                          Light intensity decreases with distance.  So, distant stars appear dim.

5.  Human eyes limitations 

                      Human eye needs certain amount of light to see. In the dark regions of space, there is no sufficient light.

6. Olber 's paradox

                      Light from distant stars has not reached us yet.

7. Cosmic expansion

                      Universe is expanding beyond the visible spectrum making space more darker to human eye. 

Worst enemies of a bird

 Many predators hunt birds. Predator birds hunt smaller birds.

Here are some of them   ----

1.  Hawks 

2.  Eagles 

3.  Owls 

4.  Crows

5.  Foxes 

6.  Wild and domestic cats

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Tit for tat......

 One day morning, Mulla Naseeruddin was busy doing some repair works on his roof top.

That time a stranger came and called his name. 

Naseeruddin from the roof top itself, asked the stranger for the reason.

Stranger politely asked him to get down and have a word with him. 

Naseeruddin agreed and came down. 

That time stranger requested Naseeruddin to lend some money to him. 

Naseeruddin thought for a moment and asked him to come to rooftop along with him. 

Likewise, both of them reached the roof top. 

As soon as they reached rooftop, Naseeruddin said,  My answer is no  ....!!!!

Listening to that, stranger asked him , Why didn't you tell the reply when we both were down  ????

Naseeruddin smiled and said,  You could have said the same request when I was on roof top  !!!! 

Animals with maximum number of teeth

 I have listed down some animals known for their incredible number of teeth.  This is adaptation for survival.

Such animals are -----

1.  Bottlenose dolphin 

2.  Channel catfish 

3.  Garden snail 

4.  Giant armadillo 

5.  Grew white shark 

6.  Little brown bat

7.  Saltwater crocodile 

8. African elephant 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

How many members are there ?

 This question was asked on Koun Banega Karodpati program recently.


Out of these organizations,  which one is having minimum number of members  ???

1.  G20

2.  United Nations 

3.  ASEAN 



On looking at the options,  we can rule out United Nations.

All the existing countries in the world are members of United Nations.

Total members must be around 190 !!!

Coming to G20,  

As the name itself suggests it is an union of 20 countries.

Total members =  20.

Coming to ASEAN,

ASEAN  =    Association of South East Asian Nations 

There are  11 member countries.

They are     ------

Brunei,  Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore , Thailand ,  Vietnam 

India is the advisory nation.

Coming to  SAARC 

SAARC  =  South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation 

There are 8 members in SAARC.

Afghanistan ,  Bangladesh, Bhutan,  India,  Maldives,  Nepal,  Pakistan,  Sri Lanka 

As per the question,  SAARC is having minimum number members, that is  8 .

Countries with highest Indian population

 The Indian diaspora is a vibrant global community influencing various countries ' cultural and economic landscapes.

Keys nations with substantial Indian population are - - - -

1.  Mauritius 

2.  United States of America

3.  United Arab Emirates 

4.  Malaysia

5.  Saudi Arabia 

6.  Myanmar 

7.  Canada

8.  United Kingdom 

9.  South Africa

10.  Singapore 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Why tyres have tiny rubber hairs ??

 We can find tiny rubber hairs on tyres' outer surface.

These are also known as vent spews. 

Why tyres have tiny rubber hairs ?

In the process of producing tyres, raw rubber is placed into a  moulding machine and air pressure is used to force the rubber to turn into tyres' shape.

Moulding machines have small vent holes  that allow air to escape. With thisair tiny bits of rubber also escape through this vent holes resulting intiny hairs on outer surface.

This is the byproduct of manufacturing the tyres correctly.

When the tyre is manufactured, these vent spews are of no use.

They don't affect tyre's performance by any means.

India's most trafficked wild animals

 India continues to be the Hotspot for the illegal wildlife trade.

The demand for animal parts, live specimens and exotic creatures within the country and across the international borders is very high.

Such animals are - - - -

1.  Tigers 

2.  Rhinoceros 

3.  Pangolin

4.  Star turtle 

5.  Soft shell turtle

6.  Python

7.  Sea horse 

8.  Sea cucumbers

9.  Leopards 

10.  Elephants 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Bheja fry question

 This is a real brain teaser.


If            1     +        4         =           5


                2       +         5        =         12

                 3         +        6         =        21


What is    8          +          11       =      ???


Such type of questions follow a definite pattern. 

If we closely observe, we can tell that

                1        +       4         =    5

               => 1   +    (   1  *   4 )   =  5


                2     +     5      =   12

                =>  2     +    ( 2  *  5 )  =  12

                 3      +      6      =    21 

               =>  3      +   ( 3  * 6 )  = 21

In the same way, 

                   8       +      11   =  ?? 

                =>   8     +  (  8  *  11  )    ==  96

Countries who have banned burqa

 Switzerland has officilly banned burqa, hijab and other face coverings in public.

Several countries in Europe have partially or completely banned burqa and hijab citing security concern, social integrity and gender equality.

Such countries are  ---

1.  Switzerland 

2.  France 

3.  Austria 

4.  Belgium 

5.  Bulgaria 

6.  Denmark 

7.  Italy


Sunday, January 5, 2025

Effect of flattering

 Long ago, there lived a king.

He liked flattering of him. He was surrounded with people who always do flattering of him. 

Listening to them, King was thinking himself as the mightiest of all and everyone have to obey his order  !!!

One day King was taking a walk in the seaside.

He saw sea waves are coming and dashing to seabed. 

King didn't like the scene and ordered the sea waves to stop making noise.

How can sea waves hear him ??

They continued to make noise  !!!

King now climbed on a rock and ordered the same.

A huge wave came and the King got drowned in the sea. 

Animals who shed their skin

 Animals shed their skin for variety of reasons.

They are  ----

1.  To make room for growth

2.  Get rid of parasites 

3.  Conserve energy 

Such animals are  -----

1.  Snakes 

2.  Lizards 

3.  Frogs 

4.  Bees

5.  Turtles 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Which country is surrounded by 3 oceans ??

 This question was asked on Koun Banega Karodpati program.


Which country is surrounded by 3 oceans ?

1.  Canada 

2.  Mexico 

3.  Argentina 

4.  Egypt 


When i read the question, 

If a country surrounded by oceans in all the 4 sides, it would be an island  !!!!

If it is surrounded ñy oceans in 3 sides, it must be having land at the remaining side.

Similar to our country,  India.

But here they said oceans.

Our country has Indian ocean in one side.

Rest  we have sea and a bay.

Now we will look at options.

Egypt is surrounded by Mediterranean sea, Red sea and gulf of Aqaba.

So Egypt is ruled out.

Mexico is surrounded by gulf of Mexico and Pacific ocean.

So Mexico is ruled out.

Now coming to Argentina, it is surrounded by Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay in 3 directions. Atlantic ocean at the remaining side.


So Argentina is ruled out.

Now coming to Canada, it is surrounded by Pacific ocean, Arctic ocean and Atlantic ocean in 3 sides and USA at the south 

Canada is the country surrounded by 3 oceans, Pacific  Arctic and  Atlantic oceans.

Most educated nations in the world

 Education plays an important role developing a successful career. 

These are the most educated nations in the world  ----

1.  Canada 

2.  Russia 

3.  Japan 

4.  Luxembourg 

5.  South Korea 

6. United States of America 

Friday, January 3, 2025

How to drink milk?

 Mulla Naseeruddin and his friend stopped near a cafe to have drink.

Friend ordered a cup of milk , saying that both of them can share the milk half.

Naseeruddin ageed.

When the cup of milk  came , friend wanted Naseeruddin to drink his half of milk first.

Confused Naseeruddin asked for the reason.

Friend replied that He has a small sachet of sugar which lasts for only one person.

He likes to have the milk with sugar.

Thats why he wants Naseeruddin to have the milk first so that he can have remaining milk with sugar   !!!!

Naseeruddin understood that the friend dont  want to share the milk with sugar.

Naseeruddin directly went to kitchen  and returned back holding something in  hand.

Naseeruddin said to friend ,

All right  !!! I  will drink my part of the milk first.

 But i like to have the milk with salt   !!!!!

Saying this ,  he mixed the entire packet of salt in the glass of milk  !!!!

Pollinating insects and animals

 1.  Beetles

2.   Butterflies 

3. Moths   - - Nocturnal pollination

4.  Wasps   - - -   Pollination of figs

5.  Solitary bees  - - They are just like honey bees

6.  Bumble bees   - - They pollinate flowers through buzz pollination

7.   Humming bird 

8.  Bats 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Why there are stones along the railway track ???

 We always see crushed stones along the railway track.

It is not for look   !!!!

These crushed stones are called to the track ballast. 

They help to keep the railway tracks in place.

They ensure the tracks at correct distance from each other. 

Track ballast need to be crushed and angular. 

Otherwise they would roll under the weight of passing train. 

These stones don't allow vegetation to grow on railway track. 

Otherwise they could weaken the ground on which railway tracks are situated. 

They also keep water  from reaching the track and softening the ground. 

Smallest states in India

 We all know Goa is the smallest state in India.

But there are other states too which are comparatively smaller according to their area.

They are   -----

1.  Goa

2.  Sikkim 

3.  Tripura 

4.  Nagaland 

5. Mizoram 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

ನನ್ನದೇ ಆಶು ಕವಿತೆ

 à²®ಾಗಿಯ ಚಳಿಯಿದು, ಥರ ಥರ ನಡುಗಿಸುತ್ತಿಧೆ 

ಇನ್ನೂ ಹೊದ್ದು ಮಲಗಬೇಕು ಎನಿಸುತ್ತಿದೆ 

ಇದೇ ಅವಸ್ಥೆ ಮನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸೂರ್ಯನಿಗೆ 

ಬೆಳಗ್ಗೆ ಗಂಟೆ ಆರಾದರೂ ಬರುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ ಹೊರಗೆ  !!!!

Kids are always kids !!!!

 My nephew Aniruddha topped in his class for mathematics exam.

I thought it is right time to test his mathematical skill.

So, I asked him this question.

Me  :  How many triangular faces does a square based pyramid have ??

Sounds very easy to answer right   ???

Aniruddha  :  Question is not clear  !!!!!

Me  :  It is a very straight forward question.  There is no confusion.....

Aniruddha  :  There is a big confusion !!!!

Me  :  What it is  ???

Aniruddha  :  You didnt specify whether it is a normal view or 3 - D view !!!!

Me :  What do you mean by that ???

Aniruddha  :  Answer is different for both the scenario......

Me  :  How ??

Aniruddha  :  If you are having a normal view that is if you are just looking at the front, pyramid has just one triangular face .....

Aniruddha  :  But if you are having a 3  -  D view, then the pyramid has 4 triangular faces  !!!!

Today's   Generation alpha kids   ...........!!!!

I didnt think of this possibility.