Saturday, July 13, 2024

Where does the solar system end ??

  Solar system is an enormous place... 

It has 8 planets, 

over a half dozen dwarf planets

Several hundred moons 

Millions of asteroids and comets  all spinning around the sun.

But where does it end ??

The scientists think of 3 boundaries. 

1. The Kuiper Belt 

It is the ring of rocky bodies beyond the orbit of Neptune.

2. The heliopause

It is the edge of Sun's magnetic field.

3. The oort cloud

It is the distant reservoir of comets.

Out of 3, which one is best ??

Scientists believe heliopause is the end of solar system.

Here the charged particles emitted by Sun become too weak.

Plasma inside the heliopause is of solar origin and plasma outside it is of interstellar origin. 

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