Friday, October 18, 2024

Countries with oldest population in the world

 I have listed down the countries with the oldest population percentage.

Such countries are - - -

1.  Monaco    - -  36% of population aged 65 and above.

2.  Japan   - -  28 %

3.  Italy   - -  24  %

4.  Portugal   - -  23 %

5.  Greece   - -  23 %

6.  Germany   - -  22 %

7.  Finland   - -  22 %

8.  Spain  - -  21  %

9.  France   - -  21  %

10.  Sweden   - -   20 %

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Koun Banega Karodpati question

 This question I came across recently on Koun Banega Karodpati program.


Which of these countries didn't win their first gold medal in 2024 Olympics ??

1.  Botswana

2.  Guatemala 

3.  Burundi 

4. Dominica



I sincerely say I don't like this type of question.

If a person doesn't have any work to do, then he will go in search of  this type of questions  !!!

Anyway, let's come back to the question. 

In the question, it was asked which country didn't win the gold medal for the first time in 2024 Olympics . 

That means out of the 4 countries given there, only one country had won the gold medal in the previous Olympics. 

The remaining 3 countries have won the gold medal for the first time in 2024 Olympics. 

I asked Google for help. 

It listed down 

1.  Botswana 

2. Guatemala 

3. Dominica

4. St Louise                 are the countries who have won the gold medal for the first time in 2024 Olympics. 

Burundi           is the odd one out. 


Animals that out lived extinction

 These animals have withstood the test of time surviving through mass extinction and flourishing when others are perished.

1.  Ants

2.  Cockroches 

3.  Crocodiles

4.   Jellyfish

5.  Sharks 

6..  Turtles 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Animals in India which are illegal as pets

 These animals are prohibited to keep as pets.

1.  Turtles and tortoises 

2.  Pit bulls 

3.   Snakes

4.  Monitor lizards

5.  Peacocks 

6.  Bear

7.  Indian Pangolin 

8.  Crocodiles 

9.  Big cats

10.  Elephants 

Countries with maximum sea food eating population

 These coastal countries really like to eat sea food  !!!

1.    Japan 

2.    Portugal 

3.    Greece

4.    Norway 

5.   Spain 

6.   Italy

7.   Iceland 

8.    Sweden 

9.   Denmark 

10.   Australia 

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Facts about pigeons

 Pigeons are fasc birds with unique traits.  They found in variety of environments and have interesting behaviour.

Here are some of them - - - -

1.  Long history

            Pigeons are probably the first domesticated birds by humans.

2.  Great navigators 

           Pigeons have strong navigation skills which help them to find their home from long distance. They were used as  messenger birds during war time.

3.  High reproduction rate

               Pigeons have high reproduction rate.  A pair of pigeons usually have 10 off springs annually.

4.  Diverse diet

                Pigeons eat variety of food including seeds, fruit and vegetables. They also enjoy leftovers from human meat.

5. Smart and traineable

                   Pigeons are highly intelligent and can be easily trained to perform tricks.

6.  Variety of colours

                  Pigeons come in variety of colours and patterns.

7.  Adaptable birds

                 Pigeons are adaptable from city to rural environment.

8.  Social creatures

                Pigeons prefer to live in groups.

9.  Healthy birds

                  Pigeons have strong immunity power and can live up to 15 years. 

Why did Ashwattama killed upapandavas ??

 On the last day of Kurukshetra war, Kouravas were defeated.

Ashwattama had gone to the meet Duryodhana who was injured and was hiding in the lake. 

Ashwattama was very disturbed after meeting Duryodhana and vowed to kill Pandavas. 

But in the darkness of night, he killed upapandavas who were the children of Pandavas.

But the death of upapandavas were predecided. 

We know King Satya Harischandra who was famous for his truthfulness.

As Sage Vishwamitra was testing his truthfulness,  Harischandra gave up his kingdom and left with his wife and son.

But the 5 deities who were the guardian of kingdom, were unhappy with this and questioned the Sage. 

Vishwamitra was enraged by this and cursed the deities to born as mortals. 

But when deities pleaded for forgiveness, Vishwamitra said deities would be released of the curse before forming any attachments that would reduce their status and sanctity.

These 5 deities were the upapandavas. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

Lake that turns animals into stones

 Lake Natron in Tanzania is a salt or alkaline lake.

Natron is full of sodium bicarbonate salt.

It is deep red and pink in colour. 

Water of lake Natron is subjected to high temperature. 

The high level of sodium bicarbonate leads to calcification of dead birds and animals.

Their carcasses are now salty statues. 

Animals that grow to massive size

 I have listed down the animals who seem small when they are born, but grow to massive size afterwards.

They are  - - - -

1.  Saltwater crocodile 

2.  African elephant

3.  Harpy eagle

4.  Hippopotamus

5.  Emperor scorpion 

6.  Green Anaconda 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Tips for happy and peaceful marriage

 Recently on Kaun Banega karodpati program, a contestant had given very important tips for a happy and peaceful marriage  !!!

These tips are valid only for married men  !!!!

Women are always right...... 

Tips to follow - - - -

1.  Whenever and wherever wife asks, Am I looking fat ???

      Don't ever say   YES    !!!!

2.   Don't forget the date of marriage.

3.  Whenever wife asks husband to do some work, without second thinking the work must be done as soon as possible. 

4.  If the wife unable to complete a work in the given time, don't dare even to complain !!!!

Tell her that, It's OK. Later we can do it. 

Aniruddha as child labour !!!

 We were going to attend a marriage.

That time my sister in law came near me holding a metal water bottle.

The water bottle is filled with water and seemed quite heavy..

I wondered  who is going to carry the water bottle which looked heavy holding water.

It was a sunny day and it was sweating too.

My sister in law asked Aniruddha to hold that water bottle !!!

I looked at Aniruddha and he was wiping out his sweat.

I felt pity about him.

I asked my sister in law  why Aniruddha ?  He is still a baby !!!

My sister in law replied He is the one who will be asking for water to drink whenever or wherever I go.

That's why he must carry the water bottle  !!!

One more incident of child labour !!!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

How Venus lose its water?

 We all know that planet Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system.

It is much hotter than Mercury which is closest to Sun. 

Venus lies in narrow virtual ring where planets can hold water in liquid state.

Billions of years ago, Venus used to have as much water as Earth is having now. 

Due to the proximity to the Sun, the sunlight is believed to have broken down the water in its atmosphere to hydrogen and oxygen.

Greater concentration of hydrogen in its atmosphere, rapidly heated up the planet.

That's how Venus is stripped out of its water. 

Bheja fry question

 Recently I came across this question on web radio.


Where is 61  >  100 ???

In the beginning, I thought how can 61 be greater than 100 ?

It is always less. 

But we can make 61 bigger than 100.   How  ??!!

Just by adding   ' - ' sign !!!!

Means by making them negative numbers !!!!

- 61 is greater  than - 100 .......

Now coming back to our daily life, 

In ranks awarded in competitive exams, 

61    is   always  greater than  100 where rank begins at 1. 

Friday, October 11, 2024

Deepest ocean trenches in the world

 Ocean trench is the deepest point in ocean.

1.  Mariana trench

              It is the deepest part 10.98 km deep, it is in western pacific ocean 

2.  Tonga trench 

            Its in south west pacific ocean and 10.88 km deep.

3.  Galathea trench

              Its in Philippines and 10.54 deep down from the sea level.

4. Kuril kamchatka trench

              It is in north west pacific ocean and 9. 60 km deep.

5.  Puerto Rico trench 

                  It is in between Caribbean Sea and Atlantic sea.

6.  South sandwich trench

                    It is in Atlantic ocean.

7.  Peru Chile trench

8.  Japan trench 

Most visited places in the world

 The cities below listed,  captivate millions of tourists annually with their unique blend of iconic landmarks and cultural richness.

Such cities are  - - -

1.  Paris, France

2.  Bangkok, Thailand

3.  London, England 

4.  Dubai, United Arab Emirates

5.  Singapore 

6.  Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

7.  New York city, USA 

8.   Istanbul, Turkey

9.  Tokyo,  Japan

10.  Antalya , Turkey 

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Countries having nuclear submarines

 As of 2024, only 6 countries have nuclear submarines with them. They are  - - -

1.  India  , number of nuclear submarines  2

2.  France ,  number of nuclear submarines 9

3.  United Kingdom, number of nuclear submarines 10

4.  China , number of nuclear submarines 12

5. Russia, number of nuclear submarines 31

6.  United States of America,  number of nuclear submarines 66   !!!! 

Quasl moon

 What is quasi moon ?

A quasi moon is a term used to describe an asteroid or space rock

 that orbits the sun in similar time frame as that of mother planet but

 is slightly influenced by mother planet 's gravitational force.

It appears to accompany the mother planet during the journey around

 the sun but is not considered a natural satellite.

As quasi moon share a weak gravitational link with their planet, they

 tend to escape this link and hurtle out of the orbit eventually. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

World's most dangerous countries

 These countries are still struggling with severe conflicts, political instability and humanitarian crisis.

Thus they are dangerous to travel. 

1.  Yemen 

2.  Sudan 

3.  South Sudan 

4.  Afghanistan

5.  Ukraine

6.  Democratic Republic of Congo 

7.  Russia 

8.  Syria

9. Mali

10.  Gaza

Animals that have been sent to space

 Only humans have not been to space. From tiniest insects to our closest primate relatives, all have gone to space to study its effect on biological life.

Here is the list of animals who have gone first to space. 

1.  Fruit flies 

2.  Rhesus monkey , first primate to space

3.  Stray dog


4.   Dogs which have come alive from space 

5.  French cat 

6.  Chimpanzee

7.   Water bears,, microscopic organiism 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Longest non stop flights in the world

 Non stop flights allow passengers to travel long distances without interruptions and without changing planes. 

Here are the longest flight routes and the time taken 

1.   New York to Singapore  - - -  18 hours and 50 seconds 

2.  Auckland to Doha  - - -  17 hours and 35 minutes 

3.  London to Perth  - - -  17 hours and 20 minutes 

4.   Melbourne to Dallas   - - -  17 hours and 35 minutes 

5.  Auckland to Dubai  - - -  17 hours and 5 minutes 

6.  Auckland to New York  - - -  16 hours and 15 minutes 

7.  Singapore to Los Angeles   - - -  15 hours and 10 minutes 

Koun Banega Karodpati question

 I came across this question on Koun Banega Karodpati program recently.


Whose square is bigger ??

 3  ,   - 2    ,    1   ,    - 5


I always get confused when they mix negative numbers with positive numbers .... 

In positive numbers,  value of number increases as number goes on increasing.... 

Like   6 , 16, 26, 36........

But it is not the same with negative numbers.

Value of the number decreases as the number increases. 

-60       is less than      - 10.

Whereas    60    is greater than   10.

Now let's come to the question. 

Square of which number is greater?

Some positive and negative numbers are given. 

Square means we are multiplying the number with itself. 

Positive number square will be always positive. 

But what about negative number  ???

Surprisingly even square of negative number is a positive number    !!!

Because   -    *     -     is   +

But   +  *  -    is   -

-    *     +   is   -

So in the above question,  square of  - 5 which is  +25  is bigger compared to the square of other numbers. 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Which is first ? Egg or chicken....

 The above question was unanswered till now.

But now a group of English scientists have come with several evidences to prove  Chicken has come first  !!! 

Their theory is - - - 

1.  A protein called ovoclaudin is found in egg shell. 

2.  According to the scientists, without this protein egg shell can not be formed. 

3.  Interestingly, this protein can be found only in the uterus of chicken. 

4.  Eggshell plays crucial role in formation of egg. 

5.  From these findings., now we can conclude that 

               CHICKEN CAME FIRST, NOT EGG   !!!! 

But question still remains, 

                       From where does the chicken come   ??!! 

Why school buses are painted yellow ???

 When I asked this question to my father, he said that is the government order   !!!!

Well, it is true........ 

Government has ordered the school buseo to be painted yellow.  Not only in our country,  even in USA and Canada also school vans are painted yellow.  It is because of child safety.

Yellow colour attracts attention quickly and noticed quickly in peripheral vision, faster than any other colour. 

By using the yellow colour to paint the school bus, the school bus can be easily spotted in rainy and misty weather. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Secret behind T20 cricket world cup win of India

 We all know that 2024 T20 World Cup was won by India defeating South Africa.

In Great Indian Kapil show, members of the winning T20 cricket team had come as guests.

Surya, Shivam Dube, Axar Patel, Arshdeep Singh and captain Rohit Sharma were the guests. 

Speaking on the show, Rohit Sharma recalled the moment when South Africa were in absolute control of the chase with 30 runs required off the final 30 balls.

Klassen and Miller were there on the crease. 

That time Rohit Sharma noticed that Rishabh Pant was on the ground with team physio attending him.

Pant' s injury ploy caused a short delay in the match.

This was key in breaking momentum of South Africa. 

As soon as Klassen got out, pressure started to build up on South Africa.

At that time, Rohit Sharma gave his teammates freedom to sledge the South African batters    !!!!

This helped South African batters to get distracted. 

Rohit Sharma and his team were willing to take the risk of getting fined at the cost of scripting a title win. 

Kids are always kids !!!!

 I asked my nephew Aniruddha this question,

If Akash 's father is having 2 sons and name of one of them is Prakash,  what is the name of other son ???

Aniruddha was angry at everyone for unknown reason and I asked him this question !!!

Aniruddha hit me back, 

How do I know ??!!

It is  father's decision to name his children   !!!

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Richest Indian states

 I have listed down the richest Indian states 

1.  Maharashtra 

2.  Tamilnadu 

3.  Karnataka 

4.  Gujarat 

5.  Uttar Pradesh 

6.  West Bengal 

7.  Rajasthan 

8.  Telangana 

9.  Andhra Pradesh 

Driest places in the world

 Deserts are the driest places with their shooting temperatures during the daytime and low temperatures at night.

Such deserts are  - - - -

1.  Atacama desert , Chile 

 2. Sahara desert, Africa 

3.  Namib desert, Namibia

4.  Arabian  desert, West  Asia

5.  Death valley, California

6.  Australian outback ,  Australia

7.  Taklamakan desert ,  China

9.  Kalahari desert ,  Africa

10.  Gobi desert, China and Mongolia 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Toughest exams in the world

 I believe toughness of exam depends on perception of an individual who face that exam.

Here is the list of challenging exams across the globe. 

1.  Gaokao exam , China

                   It is also referred as National College Entrance Exam of China for the admission of colleges and universities.

2.  IIT - JEE Exam, India

                   It is the largest planet gateway to admission into prestigious IITs in India.

3.  UPSC, India

                   This is the exam conducted for various positions in civil services.

4.  Mensa, England

                      This identifies intelligence through logical reasoning and problem solving tests.

5.  GRE , US and Canada

                    Graduate Record Examination is graduate programme admission in USA and Canada. 

Devils bath of New Zealand

 Devil's bath is an electric green sulphur lake in New Zealand.

It is also a neon green pool of stragnant stink water.

It is a boiling body of water, as the result of intense geological activities. 

The colour of the lake changes according to the inclination of Sun's rays and the amount of minerals present in water. 

The bright green water gets its colour from deposits of sulphur that rise to the surface and floats at the top.

The water changes its colour such as blue and red signify various volcanic elements.

The fumes created by sulphur deposits, inundated the entire area by a stinky smell. 

Dispite the name and almost frightening display of geothermal chemistry, it has become the tourist attraction.

It is not allowed to swim in the pond as it is highly acidic. 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Kolluru Mookambika story

 From today, Navratri is started.

In this festive season, we worship Goddess Durga.. 

We worship other goddesses too. 

We know about Adi Shankaracharya. 

When he was performing penance , it occurred to him that Goddess Sharada is living in Kashmir.

He wanted the Goddess to come to South India. 

Likewise, Adi Shankaracharya requested the Goddess. 

How can a mother say  ' no ' to her child ???

Goddess agreed but put one condition. 

The condition is that  Shankaracharya must walk in the front.  Goddess will follow him till he stops and turns back.

Shankaracharya agreed. 

Shankaracharya started his journey towards South India and Goddess was following him. 

Shankaracharya could hear the sound of anklet of Goddess assuring him that Goddess is following him. 

This continued for many days. 

But  suddenly one day, the sound of anklet got stopped. 

Shankaracharya didn't hear the sound and he was worried. 

Finally Shankaracharya thought of breaking his promise. 

Shankaracharya stopped and turned back to watch whether the Goddess is still following. 

To Shankaracharya 's surprise, Goddess was following him without making any sound !!

Now the promise is broken and Goddess said that she will stay in that place itself. 

That place is     Kolluru. 

Most tea drinking countries

 I drink neither tea nor coffee.

But in my house and in my family, all prefer coffee more than tea. 

We South Indians prefer coffee than tea. 

But in Northern India,  people prefer tea than coffee. 

This difference in the minds of Indians, made India to take little lower position in the list of countries of tea drinkers. 

The list is as follows with the percentage of people drinking tea. 

1.  Turkey  ----  90% of people drink tea.

2.  Pakistan and Kenya  —-  83%

3.  Vietnam   - - -  80%

4.  India  ----   72%

5.  Britain  - - -  59%

6.  United States of America and Germany  - - -  49%

7.  China  - - -  45%

8.  Spain  - - -  39%

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Basic things astronauts can't do in space

 Life in space is very difficult compared to life on earth.

These are the basic things that astronauts can't do in space.

1.  No Walking 

                  Astronauts can't walk in the space because of lack of gravity.  They float. They move in space by pushing walls.

2.  No crying 

                  Astronauts must not cry in space as their tears get stuck to their eyes.

3.  No shower

                Astronauts can't take shower as water don't flow in space due to lack of gravity.

4.  No cooking 

                 As fire need oxygen which is limited in space, astronauts rely on pre packaged food..

5.  Can't lie down

                Because of loss of gravity, astronauts secure themselves in sleeping bags attached to the wall. 

Koun Banega Karodpati question of 1 crore

 This question was for Rs 1 crore asked on Koun Banega Karodpati program recently.

Which country 's largest  city is not its capital but a port city ???

1.  Somalia 

2.  Tanzania 

3.  Yemen 

4.  Brunei 


By reading the question,  I wondered is each and every country's largest city, its capital ???!!!

May not be. 

The question seems confusing. Largest city in what sense??

If we take our own country, India

New Delhi is our capital.  It is a largest city in terms of area. 

But Mumbai is the largest city in terms of population. 

So, question is not clear. 

But if we look at the options, we can nearly come to some conclusion. 

I know about Brunei as our Prime Minister recently visited the country. 

It may not be the answer. 

The remaining  2 countries, Somalia and Yemen, are notorious for their political instability.

I don't know much about Tanzania. I know only one fact that it is in African continent.

Correct answer is        Tanzania

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Why can't we survive by drinking salt water ??

 Over 70% of earth's surface is covered with water.

Most of this water is undrinkable salt water.

Though our body needs both salt and water to function, we can not drink salt water  !!!!

It is because our body needs little amount of salt. Ocean salt water has more amount of salt in it. 

When we take in too much salt, our kidneys must get rid of this excess salt through our urine.

Ocean salt water is considered hypertonic fluid means ocean salt water contains more salt than human blood.

Drinking salt water results in our body getting rid of the excess salt by urinating more water than we took in.

Instead of quenching our thirst, our body suffers a net loss of water.

This will result in dehydration and increased thirst leading to death. 

Toughest engineering subjects students struggle to pass

 I struggled to understand engineering graphics. Still unable to figure out top view, front view and side view !!!

Such toughest engineering subjects - - - -

1.  Quantum mechanics

2.  Thermodynamics 

3.  Electromagnetics

4.  Fluid mechanics

5.  Control systems

6.  Solid mechanics

7.  Heat transfer

8.  Signals and systems

9.  Advanced mathematics 

10.  Computer programming  ( coding )

11.   Power electronics