Monday, February 3, 2025

Which letter is silent in the word, scent ????

  All of us know the word scent.

It is spelled in the same way as sent or cent.....

So in the word scent, which letter is silent  ???

Is it 's' or is it 'c'   ???

Answer is none of them   !!!!

Such words are called digraph words.

Diagraph word is a combination of two letters representing one sound.

In the case of scent, both of the letters s and c together produce the same sound.

Other examples are science and scissors.

But not every word containing the letters s and c are diagraph words  !!!!

The words such as scam and school too have the letters s and c in them just like scent.

But these are not diagraph words !!!

In school and scam, both the letters sound separately. 

English is truely a funny language   !!!! 

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