Sunday, March 9, 2025

Countries with most military drones

 Military drones are aircrafts that fly without a pilot onboard.

They are used for surveillance, combat, communication and logistics.

They can be controlled remotely or pre - set plans.

Here is the list of countries having most military drones  -------

1.  United States of America

2.  Turkey 

3.  Poland 

4.  Russia

5.  Germany 

6.  India 

7.  France 

8.  Australia 

9.  South Korea 

10.  Finland 

 I feel this list is incomplete !!!

How can we forget Israel ????

Israel was able to kill Hamas terrorists using drones.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Which is the last letter added to English alphabet. ??

 We might think that 'z' is the last letter added to English alphabet.  Just because it is sitting at the end of alphabet table   !!!!!

But reality is different .......

The letter    'j ' is added late to English alphabet table     !!!!

The English alphabet finds its roots in Roman alphabet.

In those early days , letter ' j ' was not a distinct letter at all   !!!

It functioned more like decorative variant of letter  ' i  '.

So when did  '  j  '  became a separate letter   ???

As English language evolved,  the need for separate letter ' j '  sound became more apparent.

Like  judge  ,  juice  etc.

The transition was not immediate.  Slowly  letter   '  j  '  carved out its own space  ,  became a permanent  member of the English alphabet table   !!!!

Animals with misleading names

 Some animals are having names that seem to allude to traits, they actually don't have !!!

Animals with wrong names are  - - - -

1.  Flying fox   - - - It's a bat  !!!

2.  Jellyfish   - - -   They are actually not fish.

3.  Horned toad  - - -  It is actually a lizard

4. Bearcat  - - - -  It is neither a bear nor a cat

5.  Guinea pigs  - --  They are not from guinea nor they are pigs  !!! 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Where did they go ??

 Once iconic, several Indian brands have faded due to changed consumer preferences,  competition and evolving markets.

Here are some of them  -----

1.  Rexona

2.  Big fun bubblegum 

3.  Gold spot 

4.  Binaka

5.  Dalda

6.  Maruti Gypsy 

7.  Ambassador 

8.  Chevrolet 

9.  Big Bazaar 

10.  HMT watches


12.  Kodak

13.  Nokia

14.  Reynolds pens

Most inhospitable places on Earth

 The inhospitable places on Earth are characterized by extreme heat, freezing temperatures which make them extremely difficult for humans to live in.

Here is a list of such places  -------

1.  The Antarctica 

2.  The Atacama desert,  Chile 

3.  The Death valley,  California, USA

4. The Karakum  desert, Turkmenistan 

5.  Siberian Taiga

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Bheja fry question

 Recently I came across this question on Internet.

3     8       10      ???   2    1

6     56      90      20    2      0

This looks quite confusing. 

I don't pressurise myself too much,  since I am not preparing for any competitive exams, 

I let it go. 

I have taken the help of Google  !!!

Let us start solving.... 

Take the numbers given in the first row as 'x'

We can write second row numbers as, 

     y   =    x  ^  2  -   x

According to this, 

Let x be 3

y  =  x ^ 2 - x = 3 ^ 2  - 3  =   9 - 3  =  6

Let x be 8

y  =  x ^2 - x = 8 ^ 2  - 2  =64  - 8 = 56

We can go on Solving for other given numbers. 

Now we know y = 20

We must find out what is x. 

This means,     y  =  x  ^ 2  -   x

==>>      20  =  x  ^  2    -  x

We have only x = 5 which can satisfy the above equation. 

Answer is     5

Best countries to study MBBS

 1.  USA

2.  United  Kingdom 

3.  Germany 

4.  Russia 

5.  China

6.  Ukraine 

7.  Philippines 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Fascinating facts about solar system

 Our solar system is vast and comprises of planets, dwarf planets, comets, asteroids and other celestial objects.

Some fascinating facts  ------

1.  We perceive Sun as yellow, but its actual colour is white !!!!

2.  Venus is the hottest planet with temperature reaching upto 462 degree Celsius.

3.  Olympus Mons on Mars is the largest volcano in entire solar system.

4.. Jupiter is so massive that its mass is 2.5 times of the total mass of all planets combined !!!

5.  Uranus spins  on its side while other planets  rotate straight up and down.

6.  Neptune hold record for strongest winds in solar system.

7.  Planets of solar system are slowly moving away from Sun because Sun is losing its mass gradually.

Silver coloured animals

 Here are some of silver coloured animals  -----

1.  Silver Labrador Retriever

2.  Silver back gorilla 

3.  Silver Salmon 

4.  Silvereye bird

5.  Silver lined butterfly 

6.  Silver  Carp

7.  Silver Pheasant 

8.  Silver Fox

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Kids are always kids !!!!

 This incident happened on Koun Banega Karodpati program.

Children special week was going on the program.

Children studying from class 1 to class 10 were the contestants.

On that day also, a girl who was studying in class 6 was the contestant.

She had come with her parents and her younger sister who is studying in class 2.

Host Amitabh Bachchan started to talk with young one who is a class 2 student.

Pointing towards her elder sister who is a contestant now,

Amitabh Bachchan  :  Do you quarrel with your elder sister  ??

Class 2 girl  :  A lot  !!!!

Amitabh Bachchan  :  Why do you quarrel ??

Class 2 girl :  She don't give me phone  !!!!

Amitabh Bachchan  :   Is there any important person you want to call ??

Class 2 girl  :  Not to call.......   But to watch YouTube videos   !!!!!

Amitabh Bachchan shocks....

Class 2  girl rocks  !!!!

Most powerful countries by military aircraft fleet

 These are the countries wirh most powerful air force.

  1.   United  States of America 


2.    Russia 

3 .      China 

4.        India 

5.       South  Korea 

6.     Japan

7.     Pakistan 

8.    Egypt 

9.    Turkey 

10.   France 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Why people in warm countries eat spicy food ???

 World's spiciest food originates from countries with hottest climate.

Why is that ???

We get sensation of relief and temperature regulation after consuming spicy food.

Spicy food works to cool our body down. 

They contain a compound which elicits a warming sensation when consumed.

It may trigger sweating to cool off.

This thermo regulation process makes spicy food perticularly appealing in hot climate.

The intense flavour of spicy food stimulate  appetite and have anti microbial properties, making them beneficial. 

Which country has most natural lakes ?

 Canada is known for its natural beauty and has more lakes than any other country.

1.  Canada has more than 2 million lakes  !!!!!

2.  These lakes cover 9% of the country.

3.  Canada's unique glacier history forms many freshwater bodies.

4.  Canada's largest lake is Lake superior and USA also share it.  This is the largest lake in entire north America.

5.  Canada's northern location and glacier terrain makes it ideal for lake formation.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Countries offering golden Visa's to Indians

 A few days ago, US president Trump announced that he will give golden Visa's to Indians if they pay certain crores of money to American officials !!!!

If we are capable of earning that much money in India itself, why would any Indian go to USA  dreaming of a good life ??!!

Sarcasm apart, here are some of the countries offering golden Visa's for skilled Indians.

It is definitely not for money  !!!

Such countries are  ----

1.  Portugal 

2.  Greece 

3.  Spain 

4.  Caribbean islands 

5.  United Arab Emirates 

6.  Singapore 

7.   Malta

Animals that spit venom

 I always thought that only venomous snakes like cobra and king cobra spit venom in order to catch their prey.

But there are some other animals too who are able to spit venom. 

They are  - - -

1.  Spitting cobra

2.  Spitting spider  - -  Silk and venom sprayed by spiders immobalize prey.

3. Spitting snakes  - - -  Non venomous snakes spit mild venom defencevely.

4.  Spitting scorpions   - - -  South African species of scorpions can spit venom as defencive mechanism.

5.  Spitting ants  - - -  South East Asian ants spit formic acid forcefully.

6.  Spitting lizards  - - -  Collared lizards can emit blood from their eyes  !!!! 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Greatest Indian scientists of all the time

Yesterday was Science day..

 Here I have listed down the Indian scientists who have done greatest innovations.

I didn't find nowadays scientists except scientists who are responsible for  Mangalyaan and  Chandrayaan.

These listed scientists are now a memory..

1.  C. V. Raman

2. Subramanyan  Chandrasekhar 

3.  A. P.  J.  Abdul  Kalam

4.  Homi  J. Baba

5.  Meghnad Saha

6.  Jagadish Chandra Bose

7.  Shrinivasa  Ramamujan

8.  Hargobind  Khorana

9.  Vikram Sarabhai

Why we must not switch on AC as soon as entering the car ???

 As it is the summer and temperatures are soaring day by day, it is a common practice that we turn on the air conditioner as soon as we get inside the car.

When we park the car outside, under the Sun and enter inside after a while the temperature inside the car is now , higher than the regular temperature of our body   !!!!

This may cause our lungs to become dry, 

If we are prone to dust allergy, this could be fatal. 

What we can do???

Try rolling down the windows of the car. 

Wait for 5 minutes so that temperature inside the car cools down and come to normal .

Then get inside the car and switch on AC.

This also helps to remove the pungent smell inside the car.