Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How to prepare chilly hot chutney?

                             How to prepare chilly hot chutney?

The chutney is used very much in north indian chat items. Today I have seen how to prepare it. I am writing it now.

Required Ingredients

Mint leaves - of one palm size
Coriander leaves - same as mint leaves
Rock salt - 1/4 spoon
Table salt - as required
Green chillies - 7 to 8


Take a mixie jar and put the above said quantity of mint leaves, coriander leaves, rock salt, table salt and grren chillies. Now try to grind them without adding water. If not possible, add very little water so that it will become a thick and solid paste. Keep this in fridge. When required , dilute it and then use.

1 comment:

  1. good, now a days more chutnyes are coming from your end, what about more dosas, moode, idli, etc!! Now 21st Aug is Sri Krishna janmastami - more chakkulis and "unde" etc. When we were young (50 years ago!!) our mother would make quite a lot, but with 7 kids, most will disappear quickly in a day or two - then we go to other people's houses and eat there! In our village Korangrapady (about 2 miles from Udupi) there were about 4 brahmin families, so we go around, and also make VESHA on the 2nd day - and earn some few "paavane" and "anas" ( 1/16th of a Rupee was called ana and 1/64th called paavane
