Way to reach heaven
Long ago,there lived a boy named Penga. According to his name, he was a lazy fellow. He used to waste time without doing anything. On this time, someone said to him that in heaven no need to work. All luxuries are there for us. Hearing this, Penga wanted to go to heaven.
To help him reaching heaven, he met Bhagawan Buddha who was giving lectures to people. Penga thought Buddha might help him to reach heaven. He came near Buddha and asked him for guidance to reach heaven. Buddha thought for a while . Then agreed.
Buddha kept a condition that on the way to go to heaven, Penga must not think about others. If he does, then he cant reach heaven. Penga agreed to this condition. Buddha gave him a string and said that the string will lead him to heaven. He just have to climb it. Penga was ready to climb string. But he had a doubt that whether the string can tolerate his weight !
For that reasaon, he just pulled the string after climbing it. Nothing happened. Now Penga is sure that no one can stop him reaching heaven. He just went on climbing the string. He saw the doors of heaven in just a mile away. Penga was very happy that finally he reached heaven.
Penga now want to know what others are doing on earth. So, he just looked at the path he had finished crossing. To his surprise, he saw many other people who are coming to heaven just like him climbing the string. Now Penga got irritated by seeing this. He thought the string may not tolerate all these people's body weight just like his and it may cut down at any moment.
Penga angrily shouted at fellow passengers who are climbing string after him. He said the string may cut down at any moment. But he want to reach heaven. He wanted fellow people to climb down the string and allow him to reach heaven.
As Penga was saying this, the string got cut and all the people who are on the string including Penga fell down to their original places. Thus, by thinking of others Penga ruined his chance of going to heaven.
Surely new and good- Penga becomes a manga.! "Anasooya" = not to feel jealousy about other peoples' progress, happiness, good qualities, etc is a "daivi quality" Lord Krishna asks us all to cultivate and grow, in Shrimad Bhagvadgita