The power of love
This incident happened when Alexander the great was winning several regions of earth and was dreaming that he will conquer the whole world.
Alexander was coming to India. He has already won in many places. Now he is eyeing a small region. In that region, there are not many people. They all are peace loving. So,when they heard the news that Alexander is planning to invade their country, they are scared. They didn't have a full fledged army. By hearing the news, King ordered that everyone must join the army.
But also,the army is too small. Compared to army of Alexander, it is nothing. King started worrying that Alexander will win this time also. That time, a poet came forward to help King. Though, King had doubts in mind,he agreed to whatever the poet said.
Poet wrote a poem praising the strength of Alexander. He invited very small kids of his country who can sing. He practised them poem singing.The day came near when Alexander is coming for war. That time, the poet asked the children to stand near the boundary of the state.
Alexander came with his large army. But when he reached this perticular country, he didnt see any soldiers to fight with. Instead he saw small cute children standing near the boundary . Each of them carrying a rose in their hand. As soon as they saw Alexander, they came near him and offered roses to him. Then they started to sing the song praising Alexander.
Alexander was puzzled. He came near the kids. He asked them what they want. Children showed him the poet. Poet narrated all the thing to Alexander and begged him to leave the country as it is. Then Alexander thought for a while. Then said " How can I fight ? These kids have made me to understand the meaning of LOVE. I am leaving your country. "
Being said this, Alexander ordered to his soldiers to retrieve. This is the power of LOVE. It can make a strong person also to accept one's words.
Great, very touching,