Monday, August 15, 2011

Importance of Independence

                                        Importance of Independence

There lived a family of rabbits. It consisted of rabbits of different age groups. There was a youngest rabbit among them. As it was the youngest, each and every rabbit used to take care of it. Young rabbit was getting irritated by all this attention.
Once young rabbit noticed that there were no one in house. So, it came out of the house. Now no one is there to object him. It felt it got its lost independence. It climbed a tree and ate fruits till it wanted. It went near the banks of river and played in the water.
Young rabbit was doing all the things it wanted to do from long time. It slept under the shadow of a tree with no one to object. After this, it wanted to go for a walk. As it was wandering, it observed a lion who was drowsing under a tree.
By seeing the lion, young rabbit got scared. But, lion didnt notice it as it was drowsing. Rabbit now gathered its courage, went near lion. It got attracted by the hairs of lion situated around its neck. Rabit wanted to touch the hair. Anyway, the lion is sleeping. Rabbit thought if it just touch the hair, lion will not come to know.
Likewise, it touched the hair.
But rabbit's bad luck, lion was awake. It was seeing all the things rabbit was doing . But it was acting that it is asleep. As the rabbit came near lion to touch his hair, lion grabbed and caught the young rabbit. Young rabbit struggled hard to escape from clutches of lion. But it was in vain.
Finally, lion ate the rabbit. Thus, the dream of rabbit getting independence is shattered by its own faults. Rabbit didnt realise what to do and what not do.

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