Meaning of life
There stood this small girl. She was seeing as her mother was packing fruits into a bag to sell tomorrow. Mother was packing the fruits. Then the girl saw her mother has packed a rotten fruit also. She showed that to her mother and said its a spoilt fruit. But mother didnt pay attention to small girl. She finished packing fruits. Girl didnt say anything.
The day passed. Next morning girl's mother was checking whether all the things are fine. That time little girl again came and said that mother has packed a rotten fruit. Mother instantly opened the bag. There two more fruits next to spoilt fruit were also spoilt.
Showing that to little girl, mother said "All fruits are god made. Its usual that some are fine and some are spolt. But one can not know that fruit is fine or spoilt. Same way, humans also. All humans are equal. Some are fine and some are not. But the diseased men must not get ignored by fellow people. Even they have right to live. That is life."
Small girl listened to all the words her mother said. She lived in the same manner as her mother said. She offered services to disabled men who are neglected by their family members. she treated them with love and affection. She got the nobel prize for her service to poor. She is none other than Mother Teresa.
Nice, great. I did not know this story