Thursday, June 6, 2024

IDIOT syndrome

IDIOT syndrome arises from excessive internet health research leading to anxiety, self misdiagnosis and avoidance of professional health care.

IDIOT is a acronym. 

 I    - - -  Internet 

D   - - -    Derived 

I     - - -     Information 

O    - - -  Obstruction 

T    - - -  Treatment 

The IDIOT syndrome quietly occurs when people abruptly stop their treatment because they have trusted Internet medical source information. 

Characteristic of IDIOT syndrome is spending excessive time online looking for information, undesired compulsive search for knowledge. 

What we can do ??? 

People must refrain from searching medical information from Internet. 

Seek the help of medical professionals. 

Question the information available on the Internet and consult a medical doctor before getting anxious. 

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