Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Moons of Saturn

 Saturn has 146 moons !!!

Highest in the solar system. 

I have listed down some points about some of the well-known moons of Saturn. 

1.   Titan 

               Largest moon of Saturn. It has hydrocarbons lakes and believed to be similar to primordial earth.

2.   Enceladus

                 Geysers sprout from the south pole of Enceladus.

3.   Lapetus

                   It has black and white hemispheres and equitorial mountains.

4.  . Dione 

                    It is a large and bright moon that orbits moon in a distance similar to distance between earth and its moon.

5.   Mimas

                  The crater is the prominent feature of this moon and is dubbed as death star.

6.   Rhea

                 It has an ellipsoidal shape that preserve the storied history.

7.   Tethys

              It has large impact basins.

8.   Janus

                It is a shepherd moon and plays an important role in the formation of rings.

9.   Prometheus

                 It is an extremely elongated moon. 

10.    Epimetheus

                 Epimetheus occupies same orbit as the previous one. 

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