Sunday, September 29, 2024

Top space agencies in the world

 There are 195 countries in the world.

Only 77 countries have space agencies. 

Only 13 countries have launching capabilities. 

Here are the top space agencies - - - -

1.  NASA , United States of America

       NASA  =   National Aeronatics and Space Administration

2.  Roscosmos ,   Russia

          Roscosmos    =   Russian Federal Space Agency

3.  ESA  ,  Europe

                 ESA     =    European Space Agency

4.   CNSA ,  China

                  CNSA    =    China  National  Space  Administration

5.  ISRO ,  India 

                     ISRO   =   Indian Space Research Organisation 

Countries with most Nobel prize winners

 Nobel prizes are being given from the year 1901.

Here is the list of countries with most number of Nobel prize winners. 

India has won total 10 Nobel prizes till now.  5 Indians and 7 Indian origin. 

Countries with most number of Nobel prize winners 

1.   United States of America          413 times

2.  United kingdom                138 times 

3.  Germany                              115 times

4.  France                                    76 times

5.  Sweden                                    34 times

6.   Russia                                     30  times

7.   Japan                                        29 times

8.   Canada                                     27  times

9.  Austria                                       25 times

10.   Switzerland                            25  times

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Animals with shortest memory

 1. Bees

               Bees have a memory span of few seconds when it comes to remembering locations though the can recall complex patterns related to navigation.

2.  Chimpanzees

                  Though generally intelligent,  chimpanzees find it difficult to remember arbitrary numbers beyond a few seconds.

3.  Fruit flies

                    These tiny insects have a memory span of 4 seconds.

5.  Sea lions

                       They have a memory span of 10 seconds.

6.  Squirrels 

                          While squirrels are great at hoarding food, their memory of  some specific locations can be short term. 


Animals with best sense of smell

 These animals have an ability to track the scents over a long distance.. 

1.  Blood hound dogs

2.  Elephants 

3.  Grizzly bears

4.  Moose

5.  Sharks

6.  Moles

Friday, September 27, 2024

The creature who kills and eats it's own mother right after birth

 It sounds very cruel....

But this creature lives around us  !!!!

What is this creature which shows such a cruelty   ????

It is  SCORPION  !!!

Scorpions inject their venom to the victims by their sting. 

This venom paralyses the prey and allowing the scorpion to eat the prey alive  !!!!

Female scorpion gives birth to approximately 100 offsprings.

Mother scorpion nurtures and protects the young ones.

These offspring ride on their mother's back until they consume her entirely,  hollowing her in the entire process.

Only after devouring their mother's  flesh completely, the young Scorpions detach themselves from the back of their mother and start to live independently. 

Ganymede : Largest moon in the solar system

 Ganymede ,  Jupiter's largest moon holds the title of largest moon in our solar system.

Here are some interesting facts about it. 

1.  It is bigger than planet Mercury.

2.  It would have been classified as a planet if it is orbiting the Sun instead of Jupiter  !!!

3.  Ganymede comprises of 3 layers,  metallic core, rocky shell and icy surface.

4.  Ganymede likely to have a salty ocean underneath it's icy surface.

5.   Scientists had discovered a thin layer of oxygen in the atmosphere.

6.  Ganymede is the only moon to produce it's own magnetic field.

7.  This magnetic influence produces auroras in its both south and north poles just like Earth !!! 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Koun Banega Karodpati question

 This question was asked on Koun Banega Karodpati program recently and it made me baffled.


On what surface did Leonardo Di Vinci paint the monalisa  ??

1.  Wood

2.  Paper 

3.  Canvas 

4.  Bronze 


Many of us readily tell the answer to above question as canvas  !!!!

Painters often draw their paintings on canvas. 

Leonardo Di Vinci  was a famous painter of his time. 

His acclaimed artwork is monalisa painting. 

But on what surface did he draw the painting ?

No one could have imagined..... 

Even the contestant opted for lifeline, audience poll. 

Studio audience have given 66 % of  votes to canvas.

But answer was wrong  !!!!

Correct answer is   Wood.. 

Host Amitabh Bachchan explained, 

Monalisa painting was drawn in 16th century on wooden surface. 

Countries with highest number of vegetarians

 I am a vegetarian.

India has highest number of vegetarians in the world. 

But there are some other countries also having significant amount of vegetarians.

I am listing out the countries with the percentage of the vegetarian population. 

1.  India                         - - - -    20 - 39%

2.  Mexico                      - - - -    19%

3.   Taiwan                     - - - - -   13 - 14%

4.  Israel                           - - - -   13%

5.   Australia                   - - - -  12.1%

6.  Finland                       - - - -  12%

7.  Sweden                         - - - -  12%

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Car free cities around the world

 Car free cities aim to reduce traffic, pollution and enhance the quality of life.

Such car free cities are    - - - -

1.  Venice,  Italy 

2.  Fes el-bali ,   Morocco

3.  Zermatt, Switzerland 

4.  Hydra,  Greece

5.  Giethoorn ,  Netherlands

6.  Ghent, Belgium

Longest train routes in the world

 Given below are the longest train routes.

1.   Trans Siberian Express

        It starts from Moscow, Russia and reaches Pyongyong, North Korea after 8 days.

2.   The Canadian

             The train reaches Vancouver from Toronto in Canada after 5 days.

3.   Texas eagle

                It is the longest train route in the USA.

4.    Indian Pacific

                 It is the train between Perth - Sydney - Adelaide of Australia.

5.   Vivek Express 

                  It is the longest train route in India from Assam to Kanyakumari.

6.  Eastern and oriental express

              This train route is from Singapore to Thailand.

7.   Blue train 

                  This train is from Pretoria to cape town in south africa. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Kids are always kids !!!!

 Me and  Aniruddha were playing a game.

Game was simple. 

Both of us should tell the name of the country in alphabetical order  !!!!

Sounds easy, but it is not !!!!

We both started with letter 'A'.

Scratching our heads and taking lots of time to think, we arrived at letter  'o'.

Aniruddha said name of the country as  "  Oman ".

Now its my turn. 

I didn't think of any other country starting with letter  'o' !!!!!

I lost one point for not saying....... 

Then I came to know that Oman is the only country starting with letter ' o' in  it   !!!!

We continued the game. 

One more letter '  q ' has only one country starting in its name.

It is        Qatar.  !!!!

I again lost one point.......... 

We continued the game. Now it is letter  '  w '.

Aniruddha instantly said  "  West indies ".

But west indies is the name given to a group of islands.  It is not a country by itself. 

Aniruddha lost one point !!!!

Now it's my turn. 

After thinking for long, I said  "Wales".

But I was told that Wales is not a separate country.  It is part of   Great Britain.

So there is no country starting with letter '  w  '.

Then for letter ' y ' we only have Yemen.

For letter  '  Z  ', we have  Zimbabwe and Zambia.

With this, we completed our game.

Aniruddha was the winner    !!!!!! 

Solar energy producing countries

 Most of the countries switch to solar energy to meet their energy needs. It is renewable and eco friendly also.

Leading solar energy producing countries are  - - - -

1.  China 

2.  United States of America 

3. Japan

4.  Germany 

5.  India 

6.  Italy 

7.  Australia

8.  United Kingdom 

9.  South Korea 

10.  France 

Monday, September 23, 2024

Zeigarnik effect

 Zeigarnik effect occurs when the brain more readily recalls an interrupted task than a completed one.

Unfinished tasks create mental tension. It affects the manner in which people perform other tasks.

Zeigarnik effect examples 

1. We replied to bunch of emails but could not read some of them.  Whole day we will be thinking of unanswered mails.

2. Suppose we missed the finale of a TV show. We will be still thinking about it weeks later.

3. If someone says the work is only 75% done, we will feel restless till we finish it 100%.

4. When doing daily chores of life, we will be thinking about the job we half did or didn't do. 

ನನ್ನದಲ್ಲದ ಕವಿತೆ

ಖ್ಯಾತ ಹನಿ ಕವಿ ಡುಂಡಿ ರಾಜ್ ರಚಿಸಿದ್ದು

ಶನಿ ದೇವರಿಗೆ ಶಮಿ ಪತ್ರೆ

ವಿಷ್ಣು ದೇವರಿಗೆ ತುಳಸಿ ಪತ್ರೆ

ಶಿವ ದೇವರಿಗೆ ಬಿಲ್ವ ಪತ್ರೆ

ಹಾಗಾದರೆ ಯಮ ದೇವರಿಗೆ   ????


ಆಸ್  -  ಪತ್ರೆ   (  ಆಸ್ಪತ್ರೆ  )   !!!!!


 à²µೈದ್ಯರೇ ನಿಮಗೆ ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ

ನೀವು ಸಾಕ್ಷಾತ್ ಯಮಧರ್ಮನ ಸಹೋದರ

ಯಮ ತೆಗೆಯುತ್ತಾನೆ ಕೇವಲ ಪ್ರಾಣ

ನೀವು ತೆಗೆಯುತ್ತೀರಿ ಪ್ರಾಣ ಮತ್ತು ಹಣ     !!!!!!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Animals that hunt in groups

 These animals hunt their preys in packs.

1.  Wolves 

              Wolves are the most famous group hunters. They use their larger numbers to take down preys like deers and bison.

2.  Hyenas 

               Hyenas hunt in packs and can take down large animals like zebras and wildebeests.

3.  African wild dogs 

                  These are known for their team work and coordination. 

4.  Lions

               Perticularly females hunt in prides.

5.  Killer whales

            These marine mammals work together to hunt.

6.  Dolphins

                They often hunt in groups.

Animals that can fly but are not birds

 These animals have evolved various adaptations to achieve flight or gliding capabilities beyond birds.

1.  Bats 

2.  Flying fish

3.  Flying squirrels 

4.  Flying frogs

5.  Flying lizards 

6.  Tree snakes 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Don't believe others blindly..

 A lion was sitting in his cave.

Suddenly he saw a wild buffalo coming near his cave.

He could not believe his eyes !!!

The wild buffalo was huge in size.  Lion was scared to attack and kill the buffalo.

As buffalo was new to forest, he didn't know anything about the animals of forest. 

Lion came near buffalo and asked whether the buffalo like to make friendship with him   ?

As buffalo was feeling lonely, buffalo instantly agreed for the offer.

Talking nicely, lion invited buffalo to his cave. 

Buffalo agreed as he was impressed by lion's words. 

But as soon as they entered the cave, lion closed the door of the cave. 

Innocent buffalo had to die for blindly believing the lion. 

Huge country. But 99% is empty !!!

 Today I am writing about a country which is huge compared to its population.

The country is in north central Asia

It is a land locked country bordered by Russia in the north and China at the south. 

The country is                 Mongolia    !!!!

Much of Mongolia consists of desert and mountainous regions with extreme temperatures ranging from very hot summer to very bitterly cold winter. 

These harsh environmental conditions make large parts of the country inhospitable for human settlement.. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

Koun banega karodpati question

 In the new edition of Koun Banega Karodpati  program, this question was asked.

This question must be answered within 45 seconds.


If 2/3 rd of a class of 48 students are present, then how many are absent ??


This is a  simple arithmetic question 

Class of 48 students.

2/3 rd of total students are present.

=>  No of students present = 2/3 of 48

=>  2/3 * 48 = 2 * 16 = 32.

=> 32 students are present out of 48 students 

=> No of students absent  =  Total number of students -   No of students present 

=>  No of students absent = 48 - 32

=> No of students absent =  16

Loneliest countries

 Some countries are known for their vast and empty spaces and few people. These places can really feel lonely because of their isolation and low population.

Such countries are  - - -

1.  Greenland

2.  Mongolia 

3.  Namibia 

4.  Australia

5.  Iceland 

6.  Canada 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Incredible Mossad

 Mossad is the secret service agency of Israel.

I had read about its operations. I think it is the only one strongest intelligence agency which always fight for its country. 

Just look at the geographical position of Israel. 

It is only the Jewish country which is surrounded by Islamic nations. 


None of these Islamic nations are having good relationship with Israel. 

Israel has every right to protect itself from Islamic terrorists. 

Mossad has come to rescue whenever Islamic terrorists vage an attack on the country. 

Mossad attacks their enemy wherever they are and without showing any mercy, kill them. 


Just yesterday, in  Lebanon pagers got fire. 

Lebanon is the safe haven for Hezbollah terrorists. 

Israel is already fighting with Hamas terrorists. This Hezbullah is giving support to Hamas and planning attacks on Israel.

These Hezbullah terrorists started using the old fashioned pagers fearing that Mossad may come to know about their whereabouts if they use mobile phone.

I don't have words to describe what Mossad did when it came to know the intention of terrorists. 

It somehow targeted the pagers which were being dispatched. 

It planted bombs in them. 

These bombs will get activated only if there are any secret messages of terrorism. 

Yesterday itself there was a huge blast in Lebanon only with people talking terrorism. 

This work needs clever and careful planning. 

Only Mossad is able to do that. 

Only because of Mossad,  Israel is safe. 

Every terrorist is a Muslim but not all Muslims are terrorists. 

Mossad knows that and targeted only terrorists. 

Cutest baby animals in the world

 Each and every animal looks cute when it is young  !!!!

Here is the list of some of such animals 

1.  Baby panda

2. Baby elephants

3.  Kittens

4.  Puppies 

5.  Baby orangutans

6.  Baby deer

7.  Baby seal

8.  Bear cubs

9.  Giraffe calf

10.  Duckling 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Earthquake nations

 Earthquake is the most feared natural disaster of world.

These are the earthquake prone nations of the world. 

1.  Japan 

2.  Indonesia

3.  Nepal

4.  Chile 

5. Turkey 

6.  India 

7.  Iran 

8.  Mexico 

Animals that were used in ancient wars

 Animals are always used as helpers by humans. Be it the mills of today or the war grounds of ancient times.

Such animals are  - - -

1.  Horses

2.  Elephants 

3.  Camels 

4.  Dogs 

5.  Pigeons 

6.  Mules 

7.  Oxens

8.  Cattle 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Animals giving nutritional milk

 Cow's milk is considered extremely nutritious.

But there are many other animals whose milk is equally nutritious.

 Their milk is packed with different combinations of minerals and proteins which can offer greater health be benefits.

Such animals are - - - -

1.  Buffalo

2.  Goats 

3.  Sheep

4.  Camels 

5.  Donkeys 

Strongest currencies in the world

 Currency strength is assessed by the value of that currency when exchanged for foreign currency.

Here are the highest valued currencies of the world. 

1.  Kuwaiti Dinars

2.  Bahraini Dinars

3.  Omani Rial

4.  Jordanian Dollor

5.  British Pound 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Why does milk come up when boiling ???

 We all have observed that when we boil milk, after some time milk raises up.

At this point, if we don't switch off the gas, milk overflows.

Ever wondered why ???

Milk is a colloid.  Milk has water, protein and fatty particles in it.

When we boil milk,  the fatty particles get collected in the upper layer of milk thus forming a creamy layer.

This layer blocks the steam which is produced in the bottom of vessel from going out.

But when the pressure built at the bottom is more,  this pressure comes out by raising the milk along with the creamy layer.

If we don't stop this pressure building up,  milk overflows..

Finding the lost turban

 Mulla Naseeruddin used to wear a costly turban.

One day it was lost !!!!

Naseeruddin was confident that he will find the lost turban as he has offered a reward of one gold coin for the finder.

But turban is more costly than reward. 

Friend asked Naseeruddin, " what if the finder realise it's worth ??"

Naseeruddin said, " I have thought of that.

That's why I announced it as a dirty, old turban  !!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why scooters don't have diesel engines??

 Diesel is cheaper compared to petrol.

Diesel engines emit less carbon and have high torque which are great qualities for any engine.

But still diesel engines are not used in motorcycles. Instead petrol, gasoline or electric engines are used. 

Why  ????

1.  Diesel engines are heavier than other engines.  This extra weight makes the motorcycle heavier and slower.

2.  Diesel engines are costly compared to other engines because diesel engines need more materials and advanced technology to make them. They also require more maintenance and more repair.

3.  Diesel engines are noiser than other engines because they produce more vibration and combustion noise. They create less energy compared to other m engines.

To prevent all these issues, manufacturers prefer to use pety, gasoline or electric engines. 

Jupiter 's moon io

 Jupiter's moon Io has the mountain pass situated volcanically active in the whole solar system.

It has hundreds of volcanoes, some erupting lava fountains dozens of miles high  !!!!!

Io is caught between the massive gravity pull of Jupiter and similar force exerted from other moons Europa and Ganymede.

Io has lakes of molten silicate lava on its surface.

Io's volcanoes eruption is visible from large telescopes on earth   !!! 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Murder mystery

 I heard the question on web radio recently.


A psycho killer was playing a game before killing the victims. 

He was giving 2 pills to victims. 

Out of them, one is vitamin pill and the other, poisonous. 

He asks the victim to select a pill randomly and to take. 

Killer takes in the other pill. 

But everytime, only the victim dies. 

How is it possible   ????


Pills were selected by victims themselves randomly. 

 So there is no chance of killer manipulating the pills.

He himself is taking in the remaining pill. 

But he is not swallowing it with water.  Just taking in. 

But everytime victim is dying......

Only one possibility is left. 

Neither of the pills are poisonous   !!!!

The water which is used to take in the pill is poisonous..... 

Country without any roads !!!!

 Greenland is the world's largest island.

It is the place with starc beauty and unique contrasts.

This country is perched between Atlantic and Arctic oceans. 

Greenland is also a country where there are no connecting roads between towns   !!!!

The absence of roads is not due to lack of development but is a blend of historical tradition, practical adaptation and environmental considerations.

Greenland is home to rugged terrain and extreme weather conditions. These made road construction both impractical and unnecessary.

Constructing roads in Greenland is an engineering challenge that goes beyond simple logistics.

The island 's climate is too cold for any work with concrete.

People of Greenland use air and sea travel. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Koun Banega Karodpati question

 This question was asked on Koun Banega Karodpati program recently.


Who is the supreme commander of Pandavas 'army in Kurukshetra war?

1. Yudhishtira

2.  Lord Krishna 

3.  Dhrishtadrumnya

4. Abhimanyu

When I was watching, I saw the word " supreme".

For God only, we say supreme. 

I thought Lord Krishna must be the answer. 

But Krishna himself had clarified that he will not be the part of war. 

The contestant took the life line of audience poll.

Audience gave 50% vote to both Dhrishtadrumnya and Lord Krishna.

Contestant was still confused. 

She took one more life line of video call a friend.

After listening to the question, friend said he is not sure between Lord Krishna and dhrishtadrumnya. 

Now it is all upto contestant. 

She was confident that Lord Krishna could not be the answer. 

As everyone had voted for Dhriipshtadrumnya, she selected  Dhrishtadrumnya.

This answer is correct. 

Dhrishtadrumnya is also the brother of Draupadi. 

Animals that don't have bones

 Some of the bone less animals live under water and some under ground.  They are  - - -

1.  Jellyfish

2.  Octopus

3.  Squid 

4.   Sea cucumbers

5.  Worms

6.  Snails 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Nations with most MISS World victories

 These countries have excelled at Miss World pageant. I have listed down the countries and how many times they have won the crown. 

1.  India , 6 times 

2.  Venezuela , 6 times 

3.  United kingdom ,  5 times 

4. United States of America,  3 times 

5.  South Africa  ,  3 times 


Hottest planet in the solar system

 Venue is the hottest planet in the solar system.

Its temperature raises upto scorching 462 C.

Main reason for extreme temperature of Venus is runaway greenhouse effect.

Venus is mainly comprised of carbon di oxide gas.

Venus is not only hot  but it also has crushing atmosphere 90 times denser than atmosphere of earth  !!!!!

Venus is shrouded in thick layer of clouds. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Why do snakes live on sandalwood tree?

 Sandalwood trees offer an ideal habitat for various snake species.

How are sandalwood trees ideal habitat for snakes  ???

1.  Shelter and safety

2.  Ideal micro climate

3.  Abundant prey

4.   Camouflage and hunting

5.  Traditional beliefs and cultural significance

6.  Essential oil and repellant properties

7.  Ecological role and balance

8.  Reproduction and nesting 

Beard of Naseeruddin

 Mulla Naseeruddin has a long beard . But Naseeruddin is not happy about that 

He is always complaining about his beard with his friend , describing how much hot and itchy it is.

His friend got tired of hearing about it always.

So one day his friend suggested ,  if you hate your beard so much , why don't you shave it off  ???

Naseeruddin replied with a devilish twinkle in his eyes ,

My wife hates it too   !!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Koun Banega Karodpati question

 This question was asked on Koun Banega Karodpati program recently.


If you add 10 mm to 25 cm, how many cm will you get ??


This question really needs good knowledge of mathematics  !!!!

 mm  =  milli meter

There are 1000 mm in 1 meter. 

 =>  There are 100 cm in 1 meter

=>   1000 / 100  =  10

=>  There are 10 mm in 1 cm

=>  We are adding 10 mm to 25 cm

=>  We are adding 1 cm to 25 cm

=> 1  +  25   =  26

=>  When we add 10 mm to 25 cm, we get 26 cm

We without thinking instantly say answer as 25.1 cm !!!! 

Animals that shine in dark

 I know eyes of each and every animal shine in  dark.

Here I am talking about animals whose whole body shine in darkness !!!

They are  - - -

1.  Fireflies 

2.  Jellyfish 

3.  Glowworms

4.  Anglerfish 

5.  Deep sea squid and octopus 

6.  Bio luminescent fungi 

7.  Scorpions 

8.  Glowing millipedes

Monday, September 9, 2024

Untouched places in world

 There are some places in the world which are still unexplored by human. Some of them are  - - - -

1.  Papua New Guinea high lands

Some parts of Papua New Guinea has allowed indigenous tribes to maintain their traditional style of living.

These areas are still untouched by modern civilization. 

2.  Greenland

Much of Greenland 's ice covered terrain is still untouched by human.

3.  Amazon rain forest

The depth of the Amazon rain forest is still untouched by human activity. 

4.  Antarctica

It is the least populated continent in the world. 

5.  Namibia desert

It is the oldest and driest desert on the world. Large part of it remain untouched by human development.

6.  Tibetan plateau

It is often referred as roof of the world. 

Its high altitude region remains untouched by human development.

Countries with highest deforestation rates

 All over the world , deforestation is rapidly raging on.  This is also a reason for global warming.

Such countries are   - - -

1.  Brazil

2.  Australia 

3.  Mexico 

4.  Tanzania

5.  Zimbabwe 

6.  Argentina

7.  Bolivia 

8.  Mozambique 

9.  Sudan 

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Bheja fry question

 This bheja fry question I read on the Internet.


E   +    E     +    E    =    15

E    +     C     =      8

C    +     E     +    B     =    10

What are the values of C ,  B , E  ????? 


E  +  E  +   E    =  15

=>    3 E   =   15

=>    E   =    5

E   +    C    =    8

=>  5   +     C    =    8

=>    C   =   8  -    5

=>   C   =    3

C    +     E      +   B      =     10

=>   3    +    5   +    B    =    10

=>    8   +   B    =   10

=>     B  =   10   -   8

=>   B   =   2

Countries with very less Muslim population

 In addition to India, several countries in the world are home to Muslims.

Vatican city is the only country on the earth where there isn't a single Muslim.

Estonia is another country where there is no mosque though there are small portion of Muslims.

Slovakia is an European country with 5000 Muslims.   Islam does not have the status of official religion. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Countries that have changed their names

 1. Myanmar   - - Formerly Burma

2.  Czech Republic - - -  Formerly  Czechoslovakia, has split into Czech Republic and Slovakia

3.  Zimbabwe  - - -  Formerly Rhodesia

4.  Shri Lanka   - - -  Formerly Ceylon

5.  North  Macedonia   - - -  Formerly Macedonia

6.  Belarus   - - -  Formerly Byelorussia

7.  Swaziland   - - -  Formerly Kingdom of Eswatini

8.   Thailand   - - -  Formerly Siam

9.  Netherlands   - - -   Formerly Holland 

10.  Turkeye    - - -   Formerly Turkey 

When I was watching koun banega karodpati program yesterday, I came to know that Czech Republic has again changed its name to  Czechia.

Ganesh and his mother Goddess Parvati

 Today is Ganesh Chaturthy. I have come with a story from the childhood of God Ganesh. 

God Ganesh was a very naughty child.

Once he saw a cat nearby playing. 

He caught the cat and started teasing it cruelly by pulling its tail. 

The cat meowed in pain. 

After some time,  Ganesh let go of the cat and came to his house. 

On reaching home, he saw his mother Goddess Parvati in pain and she was hurt. 

Ganesh rushed near his mother and asked her what happened ??

That time,  Goddess Parvati said  it was she, in the form of cat, playing with  him !!!


Ganesh was shameful for his actions regarding the cat, that caused his mother so much pain. 

Ganesh promised his mother that he will never hurt animals again ...... 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Kids are always kids !!!!

 Me and my nephew Aniruddha both have one thing in common.

We both like to watch cartoon "  Chota Bheem " !!!

One day I was watching the episode of Chota Bheem alone sitting on sofa. 

At that time, Aniruddha saw me watching cartoon and came near me. 

I asked him to sit on sofa. 

But he refused  !!!!

On asking for the reason, he said it is the repeat telecast .  He has already watched it .....

I knew it as the repeat telecast. 

But also I watch as it always entertain me. 

I continued to watch and Aniruddha continued to hop around....... 

That time itself,  the advertisements started to play.

I knew it almost takes 2 minutes to get back to original cartoon program so I changed the channel.

That time,, Aniruddha came running towards me and asked me to put the earlier channel on which Chota Bheem was playing.

I said now it's commercial break and ads are being played.....

As he went on insisting, I had put the earlier channel. 

Still ads were being played..... 

Aniruddha pushed me aside to sit on sofa and started to watch ads with lots of interest   !!!! 

Most dangerous animals in the world

 The animal kingdom includes numerous dangerous creatures that threaten humans and other ther animals due to their venom, aggression or size.

Here is the list of most dangerous animals in the world - - - -

1..  Mosquitoes 

2.  Box jellyfish

3.  Saltwater crocodile

4.  African elephant 

5.  Cape Buffalo

6. Poison dart frog

7.  Puffer fish

8.  Cone snail 

9.  Inland taipan 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Most mountainous countries in the world

 These countries are offering a good view of mountains. I have given the percentage of mountains also.. 

The countries are  - - - -

1.  Bhutan   - - - -   98.8%

2.  Tajikistan   - - -  91.9%

3.  Kyrgyzstan  - - -  90.7%

4.  Lesotho   - - -  90.5%

5.  Montenegro  - - -  89.3%

6.  Armenia  - - -  85.9%

7.  North Macedonia - - -  85. 5%

8.  Switzerland  - - -  83.6%

9.  Lebanon   - - -  81.1%

10.  Nepal  - - - -  80.7%

Strongest military in the world

 I have listed down the countries with the strongest military force.  Our country ranked 4th.

1.  United States of America 

2.  Russia 

3.  China 

4.  India 

5.  South Korea 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

World's longest highway

 World's longest highway crosses 14 countries.

This is PAN American highway..

It is the world's longest continuous highway. 


It goes through these many nations   - - - - 

1.  Canada 

2.   United States of America 

3.  Mexico 

4.  Guatemala 

5.  Honduras 

6.  El Salvador 

7.  Nicaragua 

8.  Costa Rica 

9.  Panama 

10.  Columbia 

11.  Equador 

12.  Peru

13.  Bolivia 

14.  Chile  

Pan American highway is not just a road, its an adventure through diverse environment. 

Travelling these extensive route is no easy feat. It is the journey through different countries. 

It is a journey through varied and breathtaking landscapes of the planet. 

Most hygienic animals

 1. Cats  ---  Cats are known for their grooming habits.

They clean themselves by licking their fur which helps to remove dirt and parasites.

2. Ants  ---  Ants are highly organised social insects.  They remove dead members and waste thereby keeping  their colony clean.

3. Bees  --- Bees exhibit extreme  hygiene inside their hives.

4Elephants  ----  Though they take dust bath, they keep their skin clean.

5. Dolphins  --- Dolphins are observed rubbing themselves against each other and against stone.

6.  Rabbits  ---   They are known for grooming behavior and keep their fur clean.

7. Penguins  --- Penguins keep their feathers clean by regularly preening them.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Countries where Indian driving licence is valid

 There are 6 international destinations where Indian driving licence is valid.  Such countries are  - - -

1.  Germany 

2.  Switzerland

3.  New Zealand 

4.  France

5.  Australia 

6.  Singapore 

Strongest rivalries in animal kingdom

I have listed down the fierce animal rivalry that I could think of. 

 1.  Lions and hyenas

                Both of them share same territory and hunt same prey.

2.  Mongoose and snakes

                    Both of them are fierce rivals.  Snakes sometimes eat baby mongoose.