Monday, April 20, 2020

Why do we need to brush twice a day ?

Dentists recommend to brush twice a day . Here's the reason .

Animals lick their wounds to get immunity against bacteria . Even our saliva has the power to fight against bacteria . But why do we get cavities in the teeth ? Why our saliva is not capable of killing the bacteria causing tooth decay ?

It's true . Our saliva fights against these bacteria in the beginning . But we go on eating . So there will be a creation of layer over the tooth .

This layer made of sugary coatings , helps in building up of bacteria over the tooth . But formation of layer don't allow our saliva to fight and kill those harmful bacteria . Thus cavities on teeth form .

It is advised to clean this layer or plaque for every 12 hours . Brushing the teeth twice a day is an easier way to get off this plaque . That's why we must brush twice a day .

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Everything is pre-planned by God ...

This is a Hindu mythological story .

One day , God of death , Yama , came to meet God Vishnu . That time , his devotee , Garuda was standing in front of the door . By  watching Yama coming , Garuda expected something wrong is going to happen .

As Yama was entering the house , he saw a bird sitting on the branch of a tree . Garuda noticed the change of expression of yama's face .

 As Yama is the god of death and he had a look at the bird , Garuda , suspected that the bird is going to die soon .

Garuda wanted to save the life of the bird . So as soon as Yama entered the house , Garuda , quickly evacuated the bird to a place which is 1000 miles away . Garuda stood at his original position as before like nothing has happened .

Yama came out from the house . As he neared the tree , he searched for the bird . But bird was not there . By seeing that , Yama smiled to himself .

Garuda was angry . He said to Yama , you can't catch the bird . It is in safe place 1000 miles away .

Yama said , that's why I was puzzled . Because it is in its destiny that it is going to meet it's death from a place which is 1000 miles away . But it was still here . I questioned God Vishnu about the same . He said to have a look at tree when leaving .

Garuda was speechless . Unknowingly he was the part of the act played by God . Now he understood whatever is happening , it is all pre planned by God .

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Why is internet slow at day and faster at night

I think everyone of us knows the answer for this .Answer is traffic .

Imagine we are driving a vehicle in the peak hours of a day . We find many people like us driving in a hurry to reach their destination soon .

What would happen at this time ? No one would be able to reach their destination soon . That time we say that we got stuck in the traffic .

Same thing applies to internet also . The internet connection we are using , we are sharing it with dozens of others .

Now if our area is having a lot of wireless networks , then during peak hours , everyone will be using the internet connection at the same time .

Now this makes each and every connection to go slow . But during night time , most of the people would not be online . So at that time  , traffic would be less  and we feel that our internet connection is faster .

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Don't underestimate anyone

There was a colony of ants in the garden .  It consisted of many ants who were strong and really hardworking . But that colony also included a small and weak ant . He was not able to do the things which other normal ants were doing .

Everyone was making fun of him . Now even the small ant had  begun to think that he is not good for anything and he is useless .

That day , a raging bull stormed inside the garden . It started to destroy everything which comes in its way . The farmer of the garden has grown many vegetable plants and also flower plants . Farmer was in tears on seeing the destruction of his garden by the raged bull , he didn't know how to stop the bull .

That time , this small and weak ant who is thinking himself as useless , came near farmer and said him that he will go and fight with the bull .

Farmer had no choice than agreeing . This small ant went near resting bull . Somehow he managed to climb up the body of bull and went inside the ear of bull . After locating the sensitive part of ear , he bit hard onto that part .

 The sleeping bull was now suddenly woken up . Unable to handle the pain inside the ear , he left the garden and rushed insearch of the water pond .

The story of small ant and the way he defeated the bull was applauded by many . Now no one passes comments on small ant . Now he is the hero of his ant colony .

Moral : Don't underestimate anyone on their external looks .

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Marketing skill using religious beliefs

It is the final day of management studies course . The teacher came with an unique idea to check marketing skill of students .

The plan is students must go to a Buddhist monastery and sell combs as many as possible to monks . Everyone was puzzled by the idea . What is the use of combs to a monk who don't have hairs on his head !? But the target is given .

3 students agreed to take the challenge . Now all of them have returned . Everyone was curious to know how they accomplished it ?

First student said he was able to sell 2-4 combs . The trick he used was combs can also be used to scratch the back too , not only to comb hair!!!

Second student said he was able to sell 20-25 combs . The trick he used was the pilgrims who come to visit the monastery would be tired after traveling . At that time gifting the combs when they are getting fresh , will be an attraction .

The third student came forward and said he was able to sell 50-100 combs . Everyone was surprised , how did he do it ? He explained Instead of just giving plain combs to tourists , if we write a few lines from holy book , on them , pilgrims will always read them whenever they use the comb . They will try to follow them ". These words did the magic and he could reach his given target .

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Similarities between Ramayana and Mahabharata

Ramayana and Mahabharata are the two great epics of our country India and also of Hinduism . All of us know the story of these two great epics .

Ramayana and Mahabharata serials are being re -telecast on television . I thought it is the right time to write this blog article .

In short , Ramayana is the story of ideal couple Sri Ram and Seeta Maata . The bad man , Raavan had kidnapped Sita Maata as he got lured by her beauty when they were staying in forest .

After kidnapping Sita , Raavan kept her as captive in Lanka . Raavan had 2 brothers by the name Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana . Both of them had opposed the action of Raavan of kidnapping Sita . To protest , Vibhishan joined Sri Ram's party . But Kumbhakarna even though he didn't agree with Raavan's work , he stayed with Raavan , opposing him till the end .

Similarly , in Mahabharata Kouravas under the leadership of Duryodhan didn't agree to give Pandavas , their share of land . They made Pandavas to lose everything in a cheat game . Pandavas had lost their wife , Draupadi to Kouravas . Kouravas went to worst extent of snatching worn clothes of Draupadi .

But Duryodhan had two brothers namely Yuyutsu and Vikarna . Though they were kouravas , they had opposed Duryodhan of his bad action . Vikarna had opposed Duryodhan at that time itself when he decided to do Draupadi Vastrapaharan .

But later , Yuyutsu had joined Pandavas party in the Mahabharata war . But Vikarna stayed with Duryodhan till the end opposing his bad works . Bhima was in tears when Vikarna died in the war .

Similarities :

Both Kumbhakarna and Vikarna opposed the bad action of their brother . But they didn't switch the sides . Whereas Vibhishana and Yuyutsu had opposed the bad action and also joined the rival party .

All of them had taken the steps according to their conscience . They are still remembered as they have raised their voice against injustice .