Sunday, April 5, 2020

Marketing skill using religious beliefs

It is the final day of management studies course . The teacher came with an unique idea to check marketing skill of students .

The plan is students must go to a Buddhist monastery and sell combs as many as possible to monks . Everyone was puzzled by the idea . What is the use of combs to a monk who don't have hairs on his head !? But the target is given .

3 students agreed to take the challenge . Now all of them have returned . Everyone was curious to know how they accomplished it ?

First student said he was able to sell 2-4 combs . The trick he used was combs can also be used to scratch the back too , not only to comb hair!!!

Second student said he was able to sell 20-25 combs . The trick he used was the pilgrims who come to visit the monastery would be tired after traveling . At that time gifting the combs when they are getting fresh , will be an attraction .

The third student came forward and said he was able to sell 50-100 combs . Everyone was surprised , how did he do it ? He explained Instead of just giving plain combs to tourists , if we write a few lines from holy book , on them , pilgrims will always read them whenever they use the comb . They will try to follow them ". These words did the magic and he could reach his given target .

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