Monday, April 29, 2024

Volt typhoon

 Volt typhoon is a group of cyber hackers sponsored by China.

This group focuses on cyber attacks on US critical infrastructure IT networks.

Volt typhoon cyber attacks affecting various sectors including communications, manufacturing, utilities, transportation and other public services.

Observed behaviour indicates prolonged undetected espionage. 

Animals that eat flowers to curb hunger

 Some of the animals ( only vegetarians ) are seen eating flowers along with leaves to quench their hunger.

Some of them are  - - - - 

1.  Rabbits 

2.  Turtles

3.  Moose 

4.  Deers

5.  Caterpillars 

6.  Bees

7.  Butter fly 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Animals that help our planet

 Food chains and ecosystems are maintained by animals  . Some of them are  - - - -

1.  Honeybee

2.  Bats

3.  Oyster 

4. Ladybug

5.  Earthworm 

6.   Ant

7.  Sharks 

8.  Vultures 

Kids are always kids !!!!

 My nephew Aniruddha has a unique quality.

If he looks at the flag of a country, he will tell country name, name of its capital, it's currency and in which continent it is in.

Me and he always play question and answers game. 

I always ask the question and Aniruddha answers...... 


Which country flag has only 2 colours ???

United States of America 




This is the question. 

Aniruddha listened to the question and the options. 

Aniruddha gave the answer   Japan . 

I shouted  correct answer  !!!! 

Aniruddha didn't stop there. 

He said  There are many countries having just 2 colours in their flag. Like...... 









He went on listing out the countries.......

My head started to reel and my eyes totally got blacked out   !!!!! 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Why diesel engine makes more noise than petrol engine ?

 I was watching through the window yesterday.

I observed that some auto rickshaws make more noise than other auto rickshaws.

It is not about the vehicle. Be it an auto, car, bus any vehicle.

It is about the engines. 

Diesel engines make a lot of noise than petrol engines while burning the fuel..

There are reasons behind this. 

1. Diesel molecules are much bigger than petrol molecules. Engines run on high  compression.

2. Petrol engines have spark plugs in the cylinders which initiates the combustion. 

But in diesel engines, fuel is ignited by compression only.

Here no source of external combustion.

Hence the combustion in diesel engines is more violent and spontaneous producing higher vibration.

Diesel engines are more heavy and built stronger than petrol engines to sustain the higher pressure involved. 

Animals who can mimic humans

 These animals can mimic human action and sound.. 

1.  Parrots

2.  Myna birds 

3.   Mockingbird

4.  Crows

5.  Orangutans

6.  Gibbons

Friday, April 26, 2024

Oldest flags of the world

 Flag of country symbolises the history of the nation.

Here is the list of countries with the oldest flags. 

1. Denmark

It is officially adopted in 14th century. 

2. Scotland

The flag is associated with its distinct identity within United Kingdom.

3. Austria

It is officially documented in 1230 and the symbol of national heritage.

4. Latvia

Flag represents the resilience and spirit of Latvian people. 

5. Switzerland

Flag is in square shape and represents country's humanitarian service.

6. Albania

Flag dates back to 15th century. 

7. England

Flag is also called St George cross, associated with patron saint.

8. Sweden

The flag symbolises its historical ties with the other Scandinavian countries.

9. Netherlands

Colours of the flag are inspired by the Dutch resistance against Spain.

10.  Japan 

Flag represents the country 's identity as Land of Raising Sun. 

Animals with strong jaw power

 These animals have powerful Jaws which helps them to grip their prey and killing it.

Such animals are  - - - - --

1.  Saltwater crocodile 

2.  African lion

3.  Hippopotamus 

4.  Great white shark

5.  Hyena

6.  Polar bear 

7.  Bengal tiger 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Largest islands in the world

 Here is the list of island countries area wise.

1.  Greenland  - - -   It is the largest island in the world.

2.  Papua New Guinea

3.  Madagascar

4.  Japan  - - -    It is the Land of raising sun.

5.  Philippines

6.  New Zealand 

7.  Great Britain

8.  Cuba  - - -   Largest island country in Caribbean.

9.  Iceland

10.  Sri Lanka  - - -  Known for eco tourism

After reading this article, I wonder where does Australia come  ???

Is it not an island country    ??!! 

Who is the murderer ???

 A rich man found murdered on a Sunday evening. 

Wife called police. 

Police starts interrogation. 

There were maid and cook too in the house along with wife.

When the murder happened, 

Wife said she was sleeping. 

Maid said  she was checking for new mails in post box.

Cook said he was preparing the dinner. 

Police listened to all of them and arrested the murderer.

Who is the murderer  ????

Answer :

Murderer is the maid !!!!

Who will check for mails on a Sunday   ???!!!! 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

ನನ್ನದೇ ಕವಿತೆ

ಚೊಂಬು ಚೊಂಬು ಎಂದೇತಕೆ ಹೀಗಳೆವಿರಿ 

ಚೊಂಬೇ ಸ್ನಾನದ ನಿಜ ಸಹಚಾರಿ 

ಒಂದು   ಚೊಂಬು ನೀರು ಸಾಕು ಕಾಲು ತೊಳೆಯಲು 

ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ದಿನದಲ್ಲಿ ಆಗುತ್ತದೆ ಎಲ್ಲರ ಬಂಡವಾಳ ಬಯಲು   !!!!

Domestic animals that originated in Asia

 These domestic animals have been integral to,



Food production 


Cultural practices.

These animals have been domesticated in Asia and now used across all continents. They are - - - - -

1. Dog 

2. Camel

3. Cat

4. Cow

5. Horse

6. Sheep 

7. Buffalo 

8.  Goat 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Animals that are not faithful as pets

 1.  Turtles   - - - -  They have a long life span but are not usually loving.

2.   Lizards  - - -  They are more interested in survival than loyalty..

3.   Fish  - - - -   Their interaction is only at the time of feeding.

4.   Hermit crabs  - - - They are sociable among themselves only.

5.   Snakes  - - -   Their interaction is driven by instincts. 

Largest economies in the world

 This survey is based on the GDP of a country.

Largest economies of the world are  - - - - 

1.  United States of America 

2.  China

3.  Germany 

4.  Japan 

5.  India

6.   United Kingdom 

7.  France 

8.  Italy 

9.  Brazil 

10.  Canada 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Callisto, moon of Jupiter

 Jupiter has total 95 moons.

Jupiter 's moon Callisto is almost as big as planet Mercury  !!!

Callisto has most crators amongst any other objects in the solar system.

Scientists suspect a global salt water ocean beneath the ice crust.

Oxygen has been discovered in the outer atmosphere of Callisto.

Possibility  :   Callisto is one among the gas giants that can host life. 

What causes the facial weakness in cold weather ??

 Some times,  when we take a walk in the cold weather, we feel that one side of our face to droop or become stiff.

This condition is called Bell's Palsy.

In most of the cases, it is a temporary condition. Symptoms usually go away within a few weeks or months. It don't require any medication. 

Suppose, if the symptoms don't go away in few months and also if we feel that one side of our face is getting paralysed, immediately we must consult a doctor. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Peaceful countries of the world

 According to a survey, these are the peaceful countries as crime rate over here is less and they are politically stable.. 

1.  Iceland 

2.  New Zealand 

3.  Portugal 

4.  Austria 

5.  Denmark 

6.  Canada 

7.  Switzerland 

8.  Norway 

Kids are always kids !!!!

 It was getting evening.

Aniruddha decided to take a round, riding on his new bicycle. 

My brother had gifted him a costly new bicycle on his birthday.

Aniruddha riding on his bicycle, came near the park. 

Already many children were playing in the park. 

Friends of Aniruddha were playing football at that time. 

They noticed Aniruddha riding on bicycle. 

They invited him to join them for playing football match. 

As it was getting dark,  Aniruddha tried to escape from the place. 

But his friends didn't let him to do so and finally Aniruddha agreed to join them. 

Now question comes, Where to park the new bicycle safely ???

Aniruddha thought for some time and parked his bicycle in front of a house.

Then he went to play ground. 

Aniruddha was fully engrossed in playing and the time was passing ...... 

Meanwhile my brother and sister in law were tensed as Aniruddha had not come home yet. 

They started searching...... 

They called his classmates but was of no use...... 

They searched in neighbour hood, but no clue..... 

Finally my brother decided to search in park and play ground. 

As he was nearing the playground, he spotted bicycle of Aniruddha parked in front of a house. 

Aniruddha didn't know how to lock the bicycle. He just parked in front of the house. 

Seeing the bicycle, my brother understood that Aniruddha must be somewhere around.

On deep checking, my brother spotted Aniruddha playing the football !!!!!

Aniruddha was made to come home as soon as possible. 

After listening to the heated words from everyone, Aniruddha was asked the question,

How could he leave his bicycle randomly without locking it???

Aniruddha replied, 

I had parked the bicycle in front of the house having CCTV camera !!!!! 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Naseeruddin's pet donkey got missing !!!

 Naseeruddin 's pet donkey got missing.

But Naseeruddin was seen sipping a cup of coffee in a relaxed mood.

One of his friends asked him , Is he not worried that his donkey got missing  ???

Naseeruddin replied , 

Not at all  !!!! Thank God that I was not on donkey.

Otherwise I would have got lost too   !!!

Birds that can't fly

 We all can list out 3 to 4 birds that can't fly.

Here I have listed down some of the known and unknown birds who can't fly and their native place. 

1.   Ostrich  - - - - Africa

2.   Emu  - - - -  Australia

3.   Penguin   - - -  Antarctica

4.  Kiwi   - - -   New Zealand

5.   Cassowary   - - - -   Australia and New Guinea 

6.   Rhea    - - - -  South America

7.   Kakapo    - - - -   Parrot species from New Zealand

8.   Takahe    - - - - New Zealand 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Are sprouted potatoes safe to eat ??

 Yesterday I saw my mother taking out potatoes from the basket.

I observed that some of them were sprouted !!!

I asked my mother Have they got spoiled ??

My mother said No....

She carefully removed all the sprouts from the potatoes. 

Now the potatoes look normal  and my mother used them for cooking. 

Potatoes are the natural source of glycoalcoloid compounds. When consumed in small quantities, they offer health benefits.

But as they sprout, these compounds ' content begin to rise. When consumed in large quantities, they turn toxic.

It may result in low blood pressure, headache and fever.

Though people remove the sprouts and then use the potatoes,  it is advisable to reduce sprouting. 

We must avoid stockpiling potatoes. Buy potatoes as per requirement. The potatoes must not be stored with onions. 

Animals that live far away from water sources

 There are some animals who live far away from water sources.

Most common example is camel. But there are other animals too.. 

1.  Camel 

2.  Kangaroos

3.  Giraffes 

4.  Mountain goats

5.  Arctic fox

6.  Koala bear

7.  Chameleon 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

What did she wanted to say ??

 It is a playhome of small children.  It is situated in village.

Once a teacher got transferred from city to this village. 

The teacher was very discipline minded. 

He wanted everything to be perfect. 

He was shocked when he saw the playing children in the playhome. 

Children were half naked  !!!!

As it is a village and children are small, their mothers just put the shirt to wear to the upper part of body. 

Lower part of body is naked !!!!

Teacher called one of the children and asked him to wear trousers. 

Boy ran near his mother. 

After some time, mother of the boy came to playhome wanting to meet the teacher. 

When she met the teacher,  she said, 

"Government is giving you salary to teach looking at the face of children.

Not for the other way around .......!!!!!" 

Animals with excellent camouflage ability

 Comouflage ability  ensures that the an animal to hide from a predator and also in hiding to catch a prey.

Some animals with excellent camouflage ability are - - - -

1.  Octopus 

2.  Chameleon

3.   Leaf tiled gecko

4.   Moths

5.   Cricket 

6.   Stonefish

7.   Sea horse

8.  Snow leopard 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Bheja fry question

Today I have come with the brain teaser.

B                   G                 N

D                   J                   R

G                   N                  ?

Usually these type of brain teasers follow one perticular mathematical series between them.

We just have to figure it out. 

Now in the first row, first letter is B and next letter is G. There is a difference of 5 letters. Next letter is N. There is a difference of 7 letters.

Series goes like this   5 , 7 

Now in the second row,  first letter is D. Next letter is  J. Difference is 6 letters between the two.  Next letter is R.  Difference between the two is 8 letters.

Series is  6, 8 

In the third row, it is   G  and N. Difference between the letters 7. We don't know the third letter. 

We got 3 series 

5  ,  7  

6  , 8

7 , ? 

In the third row .  Difference between the first two letters is 7 letters.

As in the above 2 equations, difference between the letters increases by 2 more letters than the previous one. 

The first difference was of 7 letters. 

So the unknown letter should be 9 letters from the last letter  N which is W.

The solved puzzle is

B                 G                     N 

D                  J                     R 

G                  N                    W

India's unique wildlife

 Every national park in India has unique animals and those can be found only in India.

The animals are  - - - -

1.  Bengal tiger

2. Indian elephant 

3.  Rhinoceros

4.  Snow leopard

5.  Indian leopard

6.  Sloth bear

7. Lion tailed  macaque 

8. Asiatic lion

9.  Nil girl Tahr 

10.  Indian bison 

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Animals that have more than one heart

 Here given below is the list of animals that have more than one heart.  I already knew octopus is having 3 hearts.

But I came to know other animals which I didn't think of, have many hearts. 

Here is the list  - - - - - -

1.    Octopus  - - - -    Has 3 hearts

2.   Squid  - - - - -   Has 3 hearts

3.    Earth worm   - - - - -    Has 5 pairs of hearts  !!!!

4.     Hag fish  - - - - -     Has 4 hearts

5.   Leeches  - - - - -  Has 5 pairs of hearts 

What is the meaning?

Mulla Naseeruddin was unemployed.

Once he had a written test for a job in a dam construction company.

In the test, question asked was,

What does hydro dynamics mean   ????

Mulla Naseeruddin wrote the answer, 

It means that I am not going to get this job !!!!!! 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Most affectionate animals

 We all know how cats and dogs show affection towards as our pets.

Our pets enjoy spending time with us. 

But there are other animals too which are  capable of showing love.

They are  - - -

1.   Pot bellied pigs

2.  Rabbits 

3.  Horses

4.  Parrots 

Is Arabian sea part of Indian ocean?

 In school days, we have learnt that there are 5 oceans in the world. They are - -

1. Pacific ocean

2. Indian ocean 

3. Atlantic ocean 

4. Antarctic ocean

5. Arctic ocean 

What about Arabian sea found at west of India ??

Arabian sea is the northern most part of Indian ocean. 

It is located between Arabian peninsula and Indian subcontinent.  Hence the name. 

Arabian sea is one of the world's busiest shipping routes.

Indian ocean is the warmest amongst these oceans.. 

Pacific ocean  is the largest and deepest of them and Arctic ocean is the shortest one.

Arctic ocean is the smallest ocean. It is also the most inaccessible and least studied ocean as it is always covered by ice.

It is the coldest as well as least salty ocean. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Rarest animals found in India

 These animals are critically endangered and found only in India.

1.  Himalayas wolf

2.  Assamese Roofed Turtle 

3.  Indian Pangolin

4.  Great Indian Bustard

5. Kashmir stag

6.  Pygmy hog

7.  Snow leopard 

Friendliest countries

 These factors determine the friendliness of a country. They are - - -

1. Ease of forming new relationship

2. Opportunity to learn local language

3. Ability to blend into the community

4. Simplicity of adjusting to new cultural norms.. 

5. Supportive environment for residents

These countries meet these requirements. 

1. Portugal

2. Taiwan 

3. Mexico 

4. Combodia

5. Costa Rica 

6. Bahrain 

7. Oman 

8. Colombia 

9. Vietnam 

10. Canada 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Most beautiful animals

 Beauty, is in viewers eye !!!

This list may not be everyone 's.

Beautiful and colourful animals   -----

1.  Peacocks 

2.  Tiger 

3.  Dolphin

4.  Mandarin fish 

5.  Hummingbird 

6. Polar bear 

Laziest animals in the world

 Laziest animals in the sense that the animals who spend most of their time sleeping  !!!

Such animals are  - - -

1.  Giant panda  - - -   Can sleep 12 hours a day but not at once. 

2.  Lion   - - -   It seems unlikely but lion can sleep upto 20 hours a day. 

3.  Sloths   - - -  Sloths are well known for being lazy and spend 80%  of the day sleeping  !!! 

4.   Hippopotamus  - - -   Hippopotamus spend 20 hours a day sleeping either on water or land. 

5.  Koala bear  - - -   Koala bears spend 20 hours a day sleeping. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Reason for thanksgiving

 Mulla Naseeruddin hurriedly came inside the house and called his wife.

He asked his wife to arrange for a small thanksgiving ceremony.

Wife wanted to know the reason. 

Naseeruddin said His life is saved  !!!

Morning itself Naseeruddin had given his shirt to washerman to wash.

After washing, he had hung Naseeruddin's shirt on the cloth lines on roof.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind blew. 

Shirt fell to the ground  !!!

Naseeruddin thought he was lucky not to have been in the shirt..

Otherwise, he would have been killed  !!!! 

Gravity hole

 Gravity hole is in Indian ocean near Sri Lanka.. 

What is a gravity hole ?

As per satellite images,  there is a vast section of the Indian ocean seafloor that weirdly keep sinking into a depression as if there is less mass under that region.

Now it has been said that earth's gravity is very low in this region. Hence it is called gravity hole.

Most likely reason for the formation of gravity hole is magma pumes. This is formed because of movement of tactonic plates. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Animals that are found only in India

 Here given below are the animals who are critically endangered and found only in India.

1. Bengal tiger  - it is also the national animal of India.

2. Gangetic dolphin  -  This unique species is found in River Ganga in India.

3. Indian rhino  - This one horned rhino is found in north eastern part of India.

4. Asiatic lion  - This endangered species of lion is found only in Gir forest, Gujarat in India.

5. Nilgiri Tahr - This is the mountain goat found in western ghats of India.

6. Lion tailed macaque  - This is the endangered primate species found in rain forests of western ghats.

7. Great Indian bustard  -  It is a critically endangered bird species found in grass lands of India. 

Bheja fry question

 Recently I came across this question on web radio.

How much does a bottle of wine weigh, if it is 1 kg plus half its own weight ???

Let the weight of the bottle be x. 

1 + x/2  =  x

Solving the equation we get, 

1 + x/2 = x

2  +  x  =   2x

2 = x.

Weight of the bottle = 2 kg

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Densely populated small countries

 We all know that India is the highly populus country. But there are some countries which are densely populated.

These countries are small in size but have high population density. 

They are - - - -

1. Bangladesh 

2. Taiwan

3. South Korea

4. Rwanda 

5. Netherlands

6. Japan 

7. Israel 

8. Lebanon 

9. Belgium 

How many bangles in her hand ??

 Akbar was always fond of wisdom of  Birbal and how he managed to find out the solution for the problem.

Once Akbar tried to fix Birbal. 

Akbar :  Birbal, does your wife wear bangles ??

Birbal :  Yes , she always wears.

Akbar  : So, tell me how many bangles are there on her hand ?

Birbal is really in a fix. He do know that his wife wears bangles.

But he doesn't know how many  bangles are there in the hand  !!!

Birbal thought for some time.

Then he replied. 

Birbal :  How many hair are there in your beard, exactly quarter of 

                 that number is the bangles in her hand !!!

Akbar realised Birbal has cleverly given the answer.

He did not ask further  !!!! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Largest cities by population

 We know India is highly populous country. But the largest city by population is not in India  !!!!

1. Tokyo 

2. New Delhi 

3. Shanghai

4. Sao Paulo 

5. Mexico city

6. Cairo

7. Dhaka 

8. Mumbai

9. Beijing 

10. Osaka 

ಯುಗಾದಿ ವಿಶೇಷ : ನನ್ನದಲ್ಲದ ಕವಿತೆ

 ಖ್ಯಾತ ಹನಿಕವಿ ದುಂಡಿ ರಾಜ್ ಹೇಳಿದ್ದು

ಹೊಸ ಅಳಿಯನೆಂದು ವಿಶೇಷ ಉಪಚಾರ

ಬಗೆ ಬಗೆ ಸಿಹಿ ತಿಂಡಿ ಭಾರಿ ಸತ್ಕಾರ

ಏಳು ದಿನ ಆದರೂ ಅಳಿಯ ಹೋಗಲೇ ಇಲ್ಲ

ಎಂಟನೇ ದಿನ ಅಡುಗೆ ಸಕತ್ ಖಾರ    !!!!!


ಅಳಿಯಂದ್ರು ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಬರಲೇ ಬೇಕು ನೀವು

ಯುಗಾದಿ ಯಂದು ಇರಲೇ ಬೇಕು ಸಿಹಿ ಜೊತೆ ಬೇವು   !!!


ಹಬ್ಬಕ್ಕೆ ಬರುವಾಗ ಬರಿ ಕೈಲಿ ಬರೋದು ತಪ್ಪು

ಅದಕ್ಕೆ ತಂದಿದೀನಿ ಬೇವಿನ ಸೊಪ್ಪು !!!!!

Monday, April 8, 2024

Most spoken languages in the world

 Here given below are the most spoken languages in the world.

1. English 

2. Chinese 

3. Hindi

4. Spanish

5. French 

6. Bengali 

7. Portuguese

In this list, 2 languages are from  India. 

Hindi and Bengali..

INDIA   ROCKS  !!!!! 

Naseeruddin's ox to play in the horse race !!!

 In the village, a horse race has been arranged.

All the participants were lined up to take part in the race. 

Mulla Naseeruddin came with his ox and said he wants to take part in the race.

Organisers of race laughed at Naseeruddin and said, 

It is the horse race and ox can not take part in the race.

Naseeruddin said,

You don't know my ox. When it was a mere calf, it used to run faster

 than a pony.

Now it is grown up. 

It should be able to run faster than the horse   !!!! 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Kapil Sharma Show

 In yesterday's Kapil Sharma Show, cricketers  Rohit Sharma and Shreyas Aiyyer had come as guests.

The episode is a laugh riot !!!

When introducing the guests to the audience,  Kapil said all these about Shreyas Aiyyer,

He is a member of team India. 

He is playing in IPL also. 

He has done captaincy too. 

But he has achieved one fame that even legends like Dhoni and Tendulkar didn't achieve   !!!

I was surprised by hearing that. 

Not only me  !!!

Even Shreyas Aiyyer was seen confused. 

Ending the mystery, Kapil said 

Shreyas Aiyyer has come to the show as guest  !!!

I could not control my laugh.

It is true that Dhoni and Tendulkar didn't attend the show as guests. 

But the way,   Kapil mentioned the thing as a fact is just hilarious    !!!!!! 

ನನ್ನದಲ್ಲದ ಕವಿತೆ

 ಖ್ಯಾತ ಹನಿ ಕವಿ ದುಂಡಿ ರಾಜ್ ಅವರು ಕೆಲಸಕ್ಕೆ ಹೋಗುವ ಐ ಟಿ ದಂಪತಿಗಳ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ಹೇಳಿದ್ದು

ದುಡಿಯುವ ದಂಪತಿಗಳಿಗೆ ಬಿಡುವೇ ಇಲ್ಲ ಮಾತನಾಡಲು

ಭಾನುವಾರದವರೆಗೆ  ಕಾಯಬೇಕು ಜಗಳವಾಡಲು  !!!!!

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Animals that may extent soon

 Excessive hunting, over exploitation and over harvesting are the main reasons for extinction of animals.

Such animals are - - - -

1. Black rhinos  - - - - -     Only 5630 left.

2.  Amur leopard  - - - - -  Only 100 left

3.  Giant panda  - - - -  Less than 2000 left

4.  Mountain gorillas  -----  Little more than 1000 left

5.  Javanese rhino  - - -   Only 75 left and they are restricted to                                                                    Indonesian island of Java

6. Sumatran elephant 

7. Saola  - - -  Known as Asian unicorn, found in Vietnam and                                                          Laos

8. North Atlantic right whale   - - -  Only 600 left

Did you think bad about me ??

 A King and a sandalwood selling merchant were best friends.

King was wealthy and his friend also. 

Both of them had the habit of walking together in the evening. 

That day sandalwood selling friend visited his godown after many days. 

There he saw that the sandalwood pieces he had collected and stored, were being destroyed by termites. 

Termites had already destroyed many sandalwood logs.

Looking at them, friend wanted to dispose them as soon as possible. 

But who will take sandalwood pieces in such large amount ??

Suddenly a thought struck him.

Suppose the King of this state that means his best friend dies, then to burn his dead body, these spoiled sandalwood logs can be used   !!!

That is the only way that his sandalwood pieces can be sold in a bulk. 

When the friend is getting these thoughts, King is also thinking the same. 

King was thinking,  

Anyway my friend don't have children.

There are no heirs to his property after his death.

Every thing will be mine after his death  !!!

Both of them thought about each other like this.

But they did not tell what they have thought about each other. 

Both of them spent the days wishing each other 's death.

But present was something different. 

They could not acquire each other' s property.

Both of them died at the same time and at same day   !!!! 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Most densely populated regions in the world

 This list is based on the existing population of a region per square metre.

Population of various places in a certain country varies.  A least populated country must be having a place where its all of the population is contained. 

1. Gibraltar 

2. Hong-Kong 

3. Singapore 

4.. Monaco

5. Macao 

Least populated countries

 The countries with lowest population density are  - - -  - 

1. Greenland 

2. Mongolia 

3. Namibia 

4. Australia

5. French Guiana

6. Iceland

7. Suriname 

8. Libya

9. Guyana 

10. Botswana 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Crying mountains of Hawai

Mount  Waialeale are the mountain ranges found in Hawai.

These mountains are known as crying mountains.

These are the second wettest place in the world.

The mountains are not really crying !!!

As said earlier, it receives heavy rains. This flowing rainwater has created many falls.

As these falls are always with water, it creates a illusion like mountain itself is crying   !!!! 

List of smallest countries in the world

 Here is the list of smallest countries area wise.

1.  Vatican city 

2.  Monaco

3.  Nauru

4.  Tuvalu

5.  San Marino

6.  Liechtenstein

7.  Marshall islands 

8.  Saint Kits and Nevis

9.  Maldives 

10.  Malta 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Think out of the box !!!

 I came across this question recently on web radio. 

It is a straight forward question. But the answer to the question is got when we think out of the box !!


Sam and Sarah saw seven sharks while swimming. How many     ' s ' are there in the sentence ?

At the first glance at the question itself, we start counting the number of s.

Thinking like that, the answer would be 7.

Now when we think out of the box, question appears like this.

There are 2 sentences. 

First one :   Sam and Sarah saw seven sharks while swimming.

Second one :  How many ' s ' are there in the sentence.

Both of these sentences can be taken into consideration separately. 

Now taking the second sentence separately into consideration, 

How many ' s ' are there in the sentence  ? 

Treat it like a independent question. 

Answer  :  1. 

In the word sentence, we find letter '  s  ' only once  !!! 

Most friendly wild animals

 Wild animals all the time will not be aggressive. Some of them are more friendly towards humans.

They are  - - - - - - 

1.  Dolphins

2.  Bonobos or chimpanzees 

3.  Sea cows

4.  Elephants 

5. Giraffes

6. Whale sharks 

7.  Penguins

8. Kangaroos 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Kids are always kids !!!

 Teacher asked Gunda to write an essay on lizard.

In just 2 minutes, Gunda submitted his written essay......... 

What did he write in the essay ??? ?

He wrote, 

  "  Lizard is actually a crocodile who is suffering from                                                  malnutrition  !!!!" 

Anecdote of Kapil Sharma

 Kapil Sharma is back with his new comedy show !!!

In the beginning of the show, he will perform stand up comedy. 

As his new show is being telecasted on Netflix, he is reaching out global audiences. 

For those who are non Indians, he said this which I found very funny and it is true also..... 

In India, we Indians start every work with blessings of mother and money of father    !!!! 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Richest countries in the world

 Here I have listed down some of the richest countries and the reason for that.

1. Luxembourg  - - Low tax rates and banking secrecy.

2. Ireland   - - - - Corporate tax heaven.

3. Singapore  - - -  Financial hub.

4. Qatar  - - -  Large oil and gas reserves.

5. Macao  - - -  Gaming industry

6. Switzerland  - - - Tourism and banking.

7. United Arab Emirates  - - -  Diversified economy

8. San Marino  - - -  Low tax rates.

9. Norway  - - -  Europe 's top petroleum producer.

10. United States of America  - - - -   Economic stimulus measures 

Funny story of lion and rabbit

 One day, both lion and rabbit together came to the hotel.

By watching them, everyone present in the hotel, were surprised...

Everyone knows that rabbit is a prey for lion. 

Now both of them together have come to the hotel  !!!

A waiter showed a table for them to sit down. 

Waiter   :  What do you want to order sir ?

Rabbit :  One cup of coffee please !!

Waiter ( looking at lion ) : What about you sir ??

Rabbit  : He is not hungry. He don't want anything  !!

Waiter : How do you know that  ??

Rabbit  : If he is hungry, is it possible for me to come near him  ??!!