Monday, April 18, 2022

Enmity between crows and owls

 Once all birds got gathered . They wanted to elect a king for them . So when it is

 the time for election , every single bird started arguing that he must be the new

 king . There was a total chaos at the venue.

But owl sat in the corner silently with its eyes closed . By seeing this , myna bird

 interrupted the fighting birds and said " look at the owl . It is sitting silently

 and not indulging in fighting like you people are doing . Owl must be

 the new king of birds ".

Owl was sitting silently but it was listening to what all is going on in the

 surrounding .It was very happy when he heard that he was about to be the new

 king .

At that time , a crow came flying and objected to what myna was saying .

 According to crow , owl is a nocturnal bird . By listening to its voice , everyone

 gets scared . It lacks the qualities to be a king . 

By listening to this , all birds agreed to the point and decided to look for another

 bird as the king . 

This made the owl to get angry on crow . In the darkness of light , a group of owls

 attacked the nests of crow and killed them.

Escaped crows waited till the morning . As owls can't see during morning , crows

 took the revenge by killing the owls and its children .

Till now crows and owls don't get along with each other . 

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