Saturday, April 9, 2011

Who is great?

                                              Who is great?
Once upon a time there lived a King. He was  very  generous. In order that people remember him, he decided to construct his own statues. He called sculptors and ordered the work. They used the best stones available for the statues.
After the completion of constructing the statues, King went to see the ongoing work. He was very happy to see the statues which were made just like him. But under one of the statues , he observed a sparrow is constructing its nest.
King was very furious by seeing this. He ordered the guards to throw away the nest. The sparrow heard the King's order. It directly went near the King. It asked the King whether the statues were of his?
King proudly said YES. Then it asked whether the materials used were of his? King proudly said he ordered the best available materials .
Finally, Sparrow asked whether he made the stone? For this question King became silent. Seeing his silence, the sparrow said "GOD CREATED EVERYTHING . INCLUDING YOU AND ME. FOR ME CONSTRUCTING NEST,GOD DIDNT OBJECT. THEN WHO ARE YOU TO OBJECT?"
Hearing this,King understood his foolishness and allowed sparrow to construct the nest.
Moral : God is ultimate. We all are just his puppets.

1 comment:

  1. good advice by the bird and probably the king was one of those who was really a good person, only temporarily he was overtaken by pride. Even remembering the name of God makes people AWARE of H I M - Hare Rama
