Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Capillary action in blossoming of paper flower

This is a very simple experiment. All we need is a paper flower with its petals in closed position.

Now we will drop this flower with closed petals into water. Now we will be surprised to see that the closed petals of paper flower are now opening !

What is the reason behind this? It is because of capillary action of water. Capillary action of any liquid is the ability of the liquid to flow in narrow passages without help of any external force not even gravity.

The paper is made of tiny spaces of fibres. Water is slightly more attracted towards fibres. When paper which is made of fibres comes in contact with water, because of capillary action water gets inside of the tiny gaps of paper.

Because of this, paper swells. That's why paper goes wrinky when it first absorb water but it also causes any folds to open back again.

When paper flower is kept in water, due to capillary action water enters inside paper and as paper is swollen now, we see that the petals are blossoming.

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