Monday, April 1, 2019

Types of people passing farts .......

Flatulence or passing the gas or farting is a natural phenomena . We pass gas at an average of 14 times a day .  Not everyone's farts are a smelly one . Moreover  , passing non smelly farts is a sign of good digestive system .

I observed that there are 2 types of people who passes farts .

1. Noise makers 

I must say that these people are not dangerous . They don't do any harm to the surroundings  , other than creating the noise . The gas they produce and pass is non smelly one . But it gives rise to embarrassing situation in a packed hall or a place where lots of people are gathered . These are the people who can be caught easily .

2. Silent killers

One must be very cautious about these type of people . They pass the farts , without any sound . Most of the time , the farts are smelly ones .

Imagine sitting in a packed gathering , full of people . Suppose there is a silent killer in the crowd . We will never come to know the origin of smell but we have to inhale the air with no choice left .

These people must go for a medical help .

3. People who makes passage for the gas to leave the body

These people are the sub category of the first one , noise makers . I haven't seen these type of people in silent killers .

I have noticed some people just tilt to their side , not completely , lifting up their bottom slightly ,when they pass farts . Obviously it refers to people in sitting position .

These people are the dare devils . They don't care for their reputation . They don't care for what other people may think of them .

I come in second category of silent killers . One advantage of this category is you always can put the blame on other person !!!

But if you are alone , we must be ready to inhale the fragrance of our own farts . 

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