Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Who is right !?

It's the 2nd standard class of a well-known school . Teacher is teaching them how to do addition . She wanted to explain with example .

She asked Rahul : " I will give you one apple now . After some time , I will give you one more apple . After that , one more apple . Tell me how many apples you have now ? "

Rahul answered , 4 apples .

Teacher again repeated the question . This time also , answer is 4 . Teacher thought its better to try with some other colour fruit .

Again she asked : " I will give you one mango . After some time , I will give another . After some time , I will give one more . Tell me how many mangoes you have now ?"

Rahul replied 3 mangoes .

Teacher was happy . She knew that Rahul is an intelligent boy . Again she repeated the question with apples . Rahul answer is 4 !

Teacher was about to lose her temper . But she remained calm , asked Rahul why is he answering differently with apples and mangoes ?

Rahul said , " I already have an apple with me . So when you give 3 apples , totally I have 4 apples . I don't have mangoes with me . So when you give 3 mangoes , that is the number of mangoes I have with me now !! " 

Who is right ?!!

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