Thursday, July 18, 2019

Why do they say in ads " kills 99.9% germs " , but not 100 % ?

I have always noticed that in tv ads of a soap or floor cleaning liquid ; they often claim that kills 99.9 % germs . Why don't say 100 %?

First thing we must understand is that nothing is perfect . I am not saying that they are misleading us saying that their products kill the germs .

There are many types of germs . It is not possible for a single product to kill all the germs responsible for the infection we have got .

When we go near a doctor for the cure for the infection , even they do trial and error method . On first time visit itself , no doctor can come to the final conclusion about the cause .

So , as the part of marketing strategy and also to be on the safer side , they declare like the kills 99.9% germs . If the product in use , failed to kill the germs responsible for the infection , the manufacturer must not be blamed .

I am confident that the products actually kill some type of germs . But not all . Also it is not good to use these products continuously as germs will soon develop resistance power .

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