Saturday, October 12, 2019

Why do house flies always rubbing their legs ?

Its my favourite time pass to play with the house flies . My game is simple . House fly is sitting on the table . I was sitting on the chair . I just lifted my hand . The house fly just flew off .

As I don't have any other important work to do  , I just looked at the  direction in which house fly was flown . It was sitting on the other side of table . It was watching me . As soon as I lifted my hand , it again flew off . Doing like this , I spent whole of my day .

While passing my time like this , I observed that the house fly was continuously rubbing its hands . I was curious about this . I came to know that house fly is having cushion like structure under its hands .

When it sits on bacteria ridden shit , these bacteria gets stuck to its hands . As house fly is hygienic minded , it always tries to get rid of bacteria which has got stuck to its hands by rubbing .

The sad part is that house fly does this rubbing sitting on eatables we are going to have . Thus spreading the bacteria and thereby disease .

Just to keep themselves hygienic , these house flies sit and rub their hands on our food . Thus making us sick .

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