Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pre-occupation of mind

                               Pre-occupation of mind 

We always see elephants in temple premises.. The elephant is large enough , I mean grown up. It 's feet are tied by a rope. If it wish, it can break free that rope and can get its freedom back. But it will not do anything . I am talking about he animal having fine mental condition.

But why is it like that ?

It is because of pre- occupied mind. Pre - occupied mind is that mind is already been tuned to some fact. Let us consider the case of above said elephant.
According to me, this elephant in its childhood days must had been tied by metal rope . It is to see that elephant calf must not run away and create havoc.
In its childish mood , I am very sure it must had been tried to run breaking all the barriers. But as it is tied by metal rope which is very difficult to break, its efforts must had been gone in vain.
But it remembered the incident . Now it has been adjusted to its life of being a captive . Hence, now after growing up too , its feet are tied by rope ; it will not attempt to break free and run away. Because the feeling is in its mind that it is difficult to run away.

MORAL : In our life too , we are pre occupied or biased by many things and think ourselves as not having that ability. But if we wish , we can do wonders.