Friday, November 7, 2014

Tulu funny saying ....

It seemed funny to me ....

kopo battandnd guvelgu laitanda aapunda ?!

ಕೋಪೊ ಬತ್ತಂಡ್ ನ್ದ್  ಗುವೆಲ್ಗು ಲೈತಂಡ ಆಪುಂಡ ?! 

Translation --

kopo =  ಕೋಪೊ  = anger
battansnd = ಬತ್ತಂಡ್ ನ್ದ್   = anger comes to mind
guvelgu =  ಗುವೆಲ್ಗು   = to earthen well
laitanda =  ಲೈತಂಡ     = if we jump
aapunda =  ಆಪುಂಡ     = will it be OK ?

Summary -----

According to me , it is a funny saying . But it also gives us an advice . NOT TO TAKE DECISIONS IN A HASTE !

What we must do if we are angry ? We must sit in a cool environment , calm our mind . But this saying gives us an example of a person who in anger , ( unable to control his emotions or not knowing what to do ) , he just jumps to a well .!

Anger is a moment at which we lose control over ourselves . We do things which we are not supposed to do. But without taking decisions in a haste , if we sit silently we can clear things out .