Thursday, December 4, 2014

Our works of previous birth affect our present life

Long ago , there was a shiv ling ( idol of God Shiv ) in open space . For that , a saint was offering prayers by decorating it with various flower garlands . After his departure , a thief was coming and he was hitting the shiv ling by throwing stones on it .

This continued for quite some time . Saint was always hurt by seeing what the thief was doing . But he didnt say a word as he was scared of him.

One day , when saint was returning after prayers , a mob attacked him and thrashed him and also looted him. But on the same time , a bag full of gold coins was spotted by thief and he was enjoying .

Saint was very disturbed when he came to know it. He wanted to know the answer since he was praying to God where as thief was hurting God.

God came in his dream and replied " It is all because of works done in previous birth . You were a killer and you were assigned death sentence . But you escaped from prison . Soldiers spotted you and then killed you .But you had repented for your action and hence in this birth you are serving me .

But the thief was a priest in his previous birth . During his last days , he had lost faith in me and died when he was cursing me .

Because of that , thief is still abusing me . But you had repented your action though you were a killer . Both of you got the same rewards depending on your fate . "