Friday, November 15, 2019

Don't compare yourself with others.......

In a city, there lived a crow . It was ashamed of itself thinking that it is not beautiful to look . As soon as it appears , everyone is shooeing it away . It was thinking that people are doing like this because of its black colour.

One day it was happened to fly across a zoo . That time , it saw a swan . Swan is having full white colour body . Crow compared its black coloured body with that of swan`s . It was very eager to talk with swan.

Crow went near swan and praised its white coloured body . But to its surprise , swan was not at all happy with it . Swan said it wished to be a parrot who is having green coloured body and red colour beak .

Crow went to meet parrot . Swan was right . Parrot is having green coloured body and red coloured beak . Crow compared swan with parrot and it concluded parrot is more beautiful than swan .

But it was wrong as it found out after talking with parrot . Parrot is envious of peacock saying that peacock is having different coloured feathers and also a crown on its head !

Surprised crow went near peacock too . After watching peacock dancing , crow knew what parrot meant . Peacock is the beautiful bird amongst them .

Crow went and congratulated peacock for its beauty . But peacock was not at all happy . It said it wished to be a crow !

If it were crow , then no one will put it in cage or enclosure . It would be a free bird enjoying its freedom and it could go anywhere it wants .

Crow realized that beauty lies in our mentality not in our external features .

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