Tuesday, May 17, 2011


In a village, the construction work for a shiva temple was going on. Sculptors brought stones from same hill to do shiva idol and also for the remaining work of temple. They chose a stone for idol and remaining stones for other work. The work of the temple is completed. People started pouring in. Special poojas have been offered to diety there.
But all were not happy. There was a stone which have been used for stairs. But it was all the time looking at the stone used for idol and always cursing its bad luck. Once it asked with the stone used for idol " eventhough we both are from same place, you are respected by all people. But look at me, people are just neglecting me . They are thinking I am useless"
Then the stone used for idol said " It is good that i am being worshipped. But to reach this stage, do you know how many beatings from chiesel of sculptor I got? Just to shape my nose, I have taken atleast 20 beatings . Then I got this shape. So stop comparing yourself with me as you didnt receive any beatings from chiesel like I got".
By hearing this,the other stone thought its condition is far better than the stone used for idol. It stopped comparing itself with the other stone.
Moral: All problem arises when we start comparing ourselves with others.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely right. Also the Step-stone should be happy that to reach the Lord, people have to make use of it!
