Monday, March 12, 2012

The effect of good works

                                        The effect of good works

Long ago, there was a king by the name Indradumna. He was a good administrator. Finally, he died. Angels came and took his soul to heaven. Indradumna was very happy there. He knew that he came to heaven because of his good works.
But one day, angels came near him and said he must vacate heaven and must return to earth. Indradumna asked for the reason with them. They said his quota of good works is over and now he is not eligible to stay in heaven. Indradumna returned to earth.
He wanted to know whether people remember him or not . He met an old man sitting under the tree and asked about himself. Then old man replied, he dont know much. If king ask with the owl of tree it may able to answer. Likewise, king asked with owl.
But it said it dont remember and there is a tortoise who is older than himself and he may answer king's query. Likewise, king met tortoise and asked it about himself. Tortoise replied there was a king by that name. But it dont remember much about him.
By listening to that, king realised one must do good works, without wanting anything in return.

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